I can understand your frustration. It'sprobably only because if you had retaliated you'd have been accused of knocking a youth about. Inexplicable violence is just mindless. So commiserations
Just one thought though - do you think it might be worth changing the title of the thread because the words will lead all the wrong sort of people here via search engines.
lol am o able to do that
*Runs of to check*
Stop changing the thread name!!!!!!!! :shock: Confusing for a blonde!
Been attacked a few times without reason, I am totally non violent, but that doesn't stop them. Some people go for the the big bloke to show off. Thats why I do Aikido now, next person who tries to hit me will be having a very bad day, very fast. Also as it the martial art a lot of the Police holds are based on, and purely defensive, it hard to say 'oh he knocked me about' even if you are a spotty 15 year old.
Still been there too mate, know what you feeling.
Mindless teenagers made my life difficult and expensive for a few years. A McDonald's opened quite close to me and there were kids in large numbers. It cost money to enclose my backyard and I spent money on railings around my front garden. This kept them off my property but they were still there.
Two points. We allow kids to stay kids longer nowadays. We allow them to do whatever they want and suddenly expect them to be responsible adults. How is this supposed to happen? The mayhem I see on television reminds me the school playground.
Last point. I have begun to react aggressively when I'm confronted by teenagers. In every case they have backed down.
I've long thought that parenting is something we should be teaching in our schools. After all, most kids will be parents themselves one day, and school is the only real opportunity you get to teach life-skills to most people. I'm sure the curriculum can stand to lose a couple of hours of lessons about sedimentary rock formation or why rivers meander for something this important.
This thread also begs the question: has the Labour Party gone too far with its social freedom and justice for all policies. By denying parents the right to smack their children when they are small (and I don't mean excessive child abuse there) we have encouraged a generation of adolescents that have adopted the view that they can do what they want, to whom they want and be totally free from reproachment. I can't see that changing in the foreseable future - or at least until we establish a government that supports the victim and not the offender.
For those of you who stated that they have been actually attacked and nobody came to their assistance, I'm sorry to say that you are a direct consequence of Joe Public not getting involved for fear or reprisals, for fear of children - as that is what they still are, even at 15 - crying wolf and landing themselves in trouble for altogether different reasons.
What are the underlying factors: Gang Rap/Culture, violent video games, lack of parental control or care, inability of the courts to deal with consistent offenders, schools even?
I do believe that we are a product of our environment, I was caned at school and punished by my father - often both for the same thing - and it taught me that discipline and pain are associated with bad behaviour, take that away and there is no effective deterrent by which teenagers can gauge the consequences of their actions - knowing the difference between right and wrong is sometimes not enough.
My own instincts for survival would have forced me to give the bugger a sock on the nose but I guess I would've been had up on a charge in court if I did.
I honestly think the way you bring your children up makes all the difference although as a parent know that you cant control everything they do, teenagers are the worst now too. I dunno maybe their raging hormones dont help.
My wee brothers actually living with me at the moment because some stupid wee gang of boys shot at his head with an air rifle and are now threating to stab him?? Its fucking shocking and I know he's no angel, he is a typical teenager, just left school got a wee job goes to his pals and basically doesnt really bother with anyone and he has got a bit of a gob on him but it still doesnt explain why anyone would want to beat him up, hes been to hospital twice since he was about 14 because of attacks and tbh his height kinda singles him out a bit because he is quite tall. Its very worrying as quite a few people I went to school with are now dead and its more boys in particular that are being murdered usually in knife attacks.
I personally thing they should change the laws back to what they were years ago when they were having the knife amnestys in Glasgow and probably not just Glasgow everywhere else too. Im totally against this type of thing carrying guns, knifes or any other thing that can be used as an offensive weapon should all carry an automatic sentence if caught with one!! Just a sad scary situation thats getting worse here. 2 dozen murders in the space of a month!!
Most teenagers look alot older these days and because of that when you have a run in with them they like to hide behind the had a seventeen year old who smashed my car window and i knew it was no good going to his parents they couldn't give a he had to do was say sorry i would have still been pissed but it would have been a start instead he laughed at me and started showing off in front of his i can say i lost it when he threatened to burn our house down and kill my this point i can say i smacked him one in the face causing him to retaliate creating one hell of a i got from his mates was "you can't hit him he's a minor" well all i can say is they can dish it out but they can't take the police were called i was not arrested the police used common sense in this all teenagers are bastards it's just a small minority perhaps if parents took abit more interest in what their kids did and teach them respect!
About 2 years ago I had an altercation with a kid who shot my son in the head with a BB gun outside the shops. This kid was ranting and raving up so close I could feel his spit on my face. I'm only 5.2 and a size 10 and wasn't about to take on a strapping thug. And luckily I didn't have to. There was something vulnerable in his abuse toward me. I still don't know what made me do it, but I hugged him and he cried, and no, his mates didn't laugh at him either. Turned out the kid was from a single parent family, the mother was floor manager at Asda, so through no fault of her own wasn't home much.
It's sad that there are just so many lost and lonely young souls out there.
But my boys still get a damn good thumping if the need arises!