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Why are some profiles so sketchy?

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Forum Virgin
Really not trying to upset anyone at all here BUT has anyone else noticed a tendency,especially in those who've been on here for years,to leave most of the spaces in their profile blank?We don't mind minimalism at all but it seems to us that they are doing themselves a they're all too busy bonking to update their details but we wonder (a how do they meet new people? and (b how do they expect to be believed? Truth is there have been some that we'd like to know better but it seems too much like hard work to put the effort in when they so obviously can't be arsed.
(Puts on wire-rimmed specs and peers over them with a severe manner)Also think it sets a poor example to the first-years! confused: rolleyes :?:
Maybe they don't want their details for all and sundry to read?? Favouring the get to know us by asking route??
There are many blank profiles here for lots of different reasons, If you like seeing a filled out profile simple move onto those profiles which have all the details and bits filled out? dunno
One reason would be that for some users, who prefer to go down the social route to meet people in the flesh first, and get a feel for them as people before they even begin to think about arranging a meet, filling in a profile that encourages random contact would possibly be a waste of their time and energy, and a waste of the time and energy of those users who might choose to initiate contact based solely on the content of a profile.
Other users have privacy considerations, and would be very wary indeed of giving too much information away on a profile that might in some way make them more readily identifiable by their employers, for example.
Neil x x x ;)
Hello Twobicurious40s!
:welcome: to the forums.
I tend to think of profile text in the same was as telly adverts or estate agent's flyers..... pretty much designed to lure you in rather than tell you anything resembling the truth.
I'm of the firm opinion that it takes some time to get to know someone well enough to want to shag them, although there are a few people who'd jump right to the top of the list just because of their profile pictures! :twisted:
Forum Virgin
I know and fully understand the need for discretion and am definitely not advocating compulsory pictures or a full I'm saying is that there is nothing to distinguish these no doubt genuine folks from the drunk guy who logs on as a bi-fem couple on a Friday I'm just idle and it's time to go clubbing again.
Quote by Cubes
Hello Twobicurious40s!
:welcome: to the forums.
I tend to think of profile text in the same was as telly adverts or estate agent's flyers..... pretty much designed to lure you in rather than tell you anything resembling the truth.
I'm of the firm opinion that it takes some time to get to know someone well enough to want to shag them, although there are a few people who'd jump right to the top of the list just because of their profile pictures! :twisted:

Oi!! Mine is truthful! :giggle:
It's perhaps giving war and peace a run for it's money but it's filled in! :mrgreen:
Forum Virgin
It is true and I agree with what Cubes has said that the profile and ad is a hook and lure but there are some that do exactly the opposite. I urge you to check out "xxxxxxxx" profile. I am not into the business of bad mouthing anyone but I for one found it quite funny and slightly offensive. Clearly someone is finding it hard to work this site?
Mods Edit - user name removed from the post as we dont allow any kind of naming and shaming on this site.
Forum Virgin
It is true and I agree with what Cubes has said that the profile and ad is a hook and lure but there are some that do exactly the opposite. I urge you to check out xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx profile. I am not into the business of bad mouthing anyone but I for one found it quite funny and slightly offensive. Clearly someone is finding it hard to work this site?
From our point of view, I would say that our profile gets changed at various times over the months.
Sometimes we are actively seeking something and so we advertise for that thing and sometimes we do not advertise at all.
We tend not to have a permanent ad on here simply because we are not always looking for that thing.
As for the profile details? Well if someone wants to know more about us then they get in touch. I always prefer to chat to someone on the phone or by cam or preferably in the flesh to establish if we have a rapport. If others dont wish to do that then that is their choice.
I feel that sometimes a full profile with a thorough and detailed explanation of what someone is looking for is a little 'cold'. Once we are clear on the basics of what we are each looking for, I prefer there to be a little mystery in finding out what makes people tick.
Edited for typo!
Our profile gets changed according to what our wishes are at any particular time and what we are seeking. We also update pics so that unlike some which I suspect are about 50 years out of date....ok slight poetic license but you get the gist. At the moment no pics as we are not looking, but happy to chat.
The site is more of the 'Close Encounters' of the first or second type.
Quote by Loxstockk
It is true and I agree with what Cubes has said that the profile and ad is a hook and lure but there are some that do exactly the opposite. I urge you to check out "xxxxxxx" profile. I am not into the business of bad mouthing anyone but I for one found it quite funny and slightly offensive. Clearly someone is finding it hard to work this site?

I agree, xxxxxxxxxxxx profile text is pretty incredible, and the ad is even more extreme - he writes like Basil Fawlty on a very high dosage of stimulants!
An absolute classic!
Quote by Dirtygirly
Hello Twobicurious40s!
:welcome: to the forums.
I tend to think of profile text in the same was as telly adverts or estate agent's flyers..... pretty much designed to lure you in rather than tell you anything resembling the truth.
I'm of the firm opinion that it takes some time to get to know someone well enough to want to shag them, although there are a few people who'd jump right to the top of the list just because of their profile pictures! :twisted:

Oi!! Mine is truthful! :giggle:
It's perhaps giving war and peace a run for it's money but it's filled in! :mrgreen:
Oh yeah... I remember taking the test..... and failing. sad
Forum Virgin
Thanks for your input all of you but I can't help noticing that you have real profiles on the are thinking of reasons that others may leave theirs blank which only demonstrates your own generosity of spirit doesn't it?I wasn't advocating jumping into bed with anyone merely on the basis of their profile but it is a sort of filter if only to put a line through those who live several hundred miles away or to highlight the heavily tattooed bbw hairy smokers if that's your kind of guy/girl! smile
I maintain that they probably just can't be bothered to put any effort in so it's unlikely that we'd get on anyway.
I do take the point about updating to reflect your wants at a particular time though.
xx Mr Two
Sex God
Quote by Twobicurious40s
Thanks for your input all of you but I can't help noticing that you have real profiles on the are thinking of reasons that others may leave theirs blank which only demonstrates your own generosity of spirit doesn't it?I wasn't advocating jumping into bed with anyone merely on the basis of their profile but it is a sort of filter if only to put a line through those who live several hundred miles away or to highlight the heavily tattooed bbw hairy smokers if that's your kind of guy/girl! smile
I maintain that they probably just can't be bothered to put any effort in so it's unlikely that we'd get on anyway.
I do take the point about updating to reflect your wants at a particular time though.
xx Mr Two

I think the point being made is that people may choose there partners different ways, and might work for you may not for others ....
for example, some people may chose to go down the social route and talk to people .... but yet going thru your posts I have yet to see your name for any.... wink
some people I know will only meet in clubs...good for them!
some people will only go dogging.... good for them!
some people only get meets thru the chatroom.... some from the ads... and even some people will only meet with sarcastic 6ft2 black guys from newcastle... and good for them!
rather that worry about the different approaches, embrace them, if everyone did everything the same way then it would be a bloody boring site.....
if it works for you... cool... it is doesn't then find a way that it will
Quote by Twobicurious40s
I maintain that they probably just can't be bothered to put any effort in so it's unlikely that we'd get on anyway.

Can't be bothered, or don't want to? Two different things.
If you can explain to me what benefit a filled in profile would be to me I will fill it in.
But you are correct in that many people that don't want to fill profiles in probably won't get on with those that suggest that they do.
Sex God
Quote by Twobicurious40s
has anyone else noticed a tendency,especially in those who've been on here for years,to leave most of the spaces in their profile blank?

I used to have a couple of fields filled in on my profile, and I used to receive frequent messages from people I'd never heard of, and who I had no wish to meet. How did they find me...?
chatroom - no
forum - no
it was from here
As I had no wish to keep appearing on random searches I removed all the useful information from my profile.
And lo, these messages stopped.
Quote by Twobicurious40s
when they so obviously can't be arsed.

I'm a regular user of the chatroom and the forums, and I've been to quite a number of socials and munches, so I would like to think I'm well known on here. I've made the decision that I don't currently want a profile completed at the moment.
You could reverse your comment and say that my profile is blank cos some of the newer members of the site couldn't be arsed to read what I'd written.
Quote by Ian

has anyone else noticed a tendency,especially in those who've been on here for years,to leave most of the spaces in their profile blank?

I used to have a couple of fields filled in on my profile, and I used to receive frequent messages from people I'd never heard of, and who I had no wish to meet. How did they find me...?
chatroom - no
forum - no
it was from here
As I had no wish to keep appearing on random searches I removed all the useful information from my profile.
And lo, these messages stopped.

So THAT'S why you didn't reply! :giggle:
Quote by Twobicurious40s
Thanks for your input all of you but I can't help noticing that you have real profiles on the are thinking of reasons that others may leave theirs blank which only demonstrates your own generosity of spirit doesn't it?I wasn't advocating jumping into bed with anyone merely on the basis of their profile but it is a sort of filter if only to put a line through those who live several hundred miles away or to highlight the heavily tattooed bbw hairy smokers if that's your kind of guy/girl! smile
I maintain that they probably just can't be bothered to put any effort in so it's unlikely that we'd get on anyway.
I do take the point about updating to reflect your wants at a particular time though.
xx Mr Two

My profile is very sparse because that's how I want it - it's not because I can't be bothered. People who want to know anything can ask, and they do. I think the people who don't fill in their profiles are unlikely to be bothered that they won't get on with you.