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Why do we need men???!??

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9 watchers
Hey all,
I was out on Saturday night with a friend of mine (I missed the much and was consoling myself with a huge amount of alcahol) and we got talking to a couple of ladies who were very obviously in to each-other.
it may have been the fact that they were snogging in a dark corner for nearly and hour that gave it away... :twisted:
Obviously, this peaked our interest, and when the oppertune moment came, we sauntered over for a chat.
After a conversation about how lovely it is to se two ladies so obviously in lust, I asked why they had decided to go for eachother rather than the 600 or so fine male specimens in the club...the reply I got was this.
"We have eachother and we both have a rabbit...why do we need men?!!??"!
My mate and I feigned offense at this comment and started to produce a list of why women need men...unfortunatley, after 7 or 8 reasons, we ran out!
Now, I am sure we have missed many good reasons and I was hoping that you guys and girls out there could help me out on some more....I have their email addresses and will contact them with the finalised list....please help!
biggrin .
What we have so far is...
Sperm for Procreation. Obviously
To mow the lawn..
To fix the roof/plumbing/electrics etc
To work the remote properly...
To advize women how to drive correctly (struggling now....) change light-bulbs...
To play rugby and wear tight shorts....
That is it. I am sure that we came up with more sensible ones at the time, but I cannot remember them now....
Quote by BigDanny12999
What we have so far is...
Sperm for Procreation. Obviously A wank in a cup is all that's necessary To mow the lawn.. I can do that myself!To fix the roof/plumbing/electrics etc I changed a fuse the other day :P
To work the remote properly... I even set my sky remote to work the TV :P
To advize women how to drive correctly (struggling now....) and women can get cheaper car insurance why??? change light-bulbs... NOW you're struggling!
To play rugby and wear tight shorts.... Aw come on what's better than a woman in tight shorts getting all muddy and playing rough :twisted:
That is it. I am sure that we came up with more sensible ones at the time, but I cannot remember them now...., can't think of anything either. confused
*but they are awfully nice to snuggle into at times
cos vibrators cant buy a round of drinks! lol
Okay - I shall give you number 1!!! And ONLY number 1.
lol :lol: :lol:
Ah, but most men are better conversationalists than most women.
OK.......... running for the door.......
......... was nice knowing you all.....................................
.............................................................................. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .........
Fraid i can only agree with number one and Blues comment. Besides that the only thing i can think of is, men can send good dirty email!!!
Oh dear...this really is a struggle isn't it.....
C'mon ladies, there must be more reasons that men are useful...even if you do believe that you are the stronger sex....please?
Guys, some help here please....!!!
Cool4catz, good man, if not a little cowardly lol
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
men are good for carrying our shopping bags while we just shop and shop
voddy xxxx

ehm they can be, but do have a tendancy to moan or get lost!!
With internet shpping this funcion is surely no longer necessary??
Quote by BigDanny12999
Guys, some help here please....!!!

There's no hope, never mind help mate wink
Well apart from the obvious (procreation), which can be done without a man actually being present, I don't think we need men. I do know I wouldn't like to live in a world full of women though sad , I'd really miss men.
I don't think it will be long before it's possible to manage procreation without women either. Not talking about cloning, I mean from conception to full term growth of a baby.
Aha! I have just thought of a couple!!
What would you do ladies if you needed to throw a ball a very long way....???
You would ask a bloke to do it surely!! lol
Or if you wanted to know your left from your right....ask a bloke! :lol:
There is always hope Libra_Love...... wink
men are simply sperm donars.
dealing with spiders, opening jars.
Quote by Omnisus
men are simply sperm donars.
dealing with spiders, opening jars.

Not all of us women are scared of spiders and I'm perfectly capable of opening a jar too lol
Never mind needing men - I couldn't live in a world withhout them!
I personnally think us men look cute when we do the ironing. So maybe that could be a reason for women needing us. A bit of eye candy now and again?
What about driving from Newcastle to London without holding the frigging map upside down and without directing a sharp left at Hull!!!
You might want to ask Alex_Female about navigation and map-folding lol :lol:
I need a man in my life. I need the hugs and the kisses, the companionship, the sharing of life's troubles, the laughs, the different point of view in discussions, his appreciation and many things more. Besides if we did not have men, who would we nag and complain to?
Men are good for one thing. And half the time they cant even get that right....however, in agreement with a few others...I would not want to be without them. My life as a lesbian has proven that to me.
Having one living in my house is another story. Give me a puppy any day.
Quote by freckledbird
You might want to ask Alex_Female about navigation and map-folding lol :lol:

:lol: Is this the Angel's party episode? <<<< edit redface just read Dave_Notts hilarious account of the journey sorry wrong event end edit >>>>>If so Alex_Female wasn't alone. I PMSL laughing at the thought of a dozen or so lovely ladies buzzing to all parts of the country trying to get there. rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Anyway men are also vital for providing the very short pulses of silence in amongst all the chatter. Most women rabbit at both ends :lol:
'Ere I'm beginning to enjoy this.
I dont think men Or women need each other and are both capable of living without one another, but all it boils down to is the sex thing ........ lol
May i say wat a pleasure it was to read down and see all them fine ass`s :P
without men all the gadget companies would go bankrupt, and the economy would suffer.
inventions would be few and far between (let me explain...) women are quite content to learn to use tools and get a job done. men will spend weeks working out how they can avoid doing something.
the world would be clogged up with instruction just bin them ;)
but most importantly, there would only be about 20 members on swinging heaven!!
Some women are indeed strange creatures. My last partner hated the fact that I was so affectionate, attentive, caring and generous. Didn't seem to appreciate me at all.
Ah well, I'm sure I'll find someone eventually who likes the above qualities. cool
(waiting for the ridicule that is bound to follow) lol
Quote by Bassman69
Some women are indeed strange creatures. My last partner hated the fact that I was so affectionate, attentive, caring and generous. Didn't seem to appreciate me at all.
Ah well, I'm sure I'll find someone eventually who likes the above qualities. cool
(waiting for the ridicule that is bound to follow) lol

Ah! kiss
I'd appreciate you.
I think the beauty of it all is the NOT knowing why we need each other. I can think of reasons why men and women ( and their Gay Counterparts ) need each other and also why they dont need each other. If all these reasons were swept away. The need would still be there, impossible to put into words...." The Tao that is the true Tao cannot be spoken..."
Dont ask me what I mean 'cos I haven't a clue!!
Is this the Angel's party episode?
Nope TE, this was on the way to Essex confused
Quote by Bassman69
Some women are indeed strange creatures. My last partner hated the fact that I was so affectionate, attentive, caring and generous. Didn't seem to appreciate me at all.
Ah well, I'm sure I'll find someone eventually who likes the above qualities. cool
(waiting for the ridicule that is bound to follow) lol

No no, not at all, Bassman, definitely rings a bell with me. A few years ago I had a girlfriend who often used to be annoyed that I agreed with her so much, and was so "nice" (she said). Some women want a male partner to indulge in what you might call "sophisticated sparring" ...that was what turned her on (among other things), she said. We still get on well, much better in fact, as friends - and she has a good relationship with a"sparring partner", but I don't envy him! rolleyes