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Why do women advertise?

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23 replies
8 watchers
Why do women advertise on here or any site for that matter? Then a few days later they re-advertise again mentioning they have hundreds of responses and to many to reply to. Then A few days more and there back again with the same ad. Then the guys start wondering why they never get a response.
Well, just a thought but, instead of sites keep baning single guys, perhaps it would be far better to ban adverts from women looking for men. After all the number of adverts from men far out way the ads from women. All the women have to do is search through the ads for someone who takes there fancy, is not that hard. Then they will not have spent fruitless hours reading emails. I for one would not bother replying to any ads.
And do ads work for single guys on here? Well only 1 reply to my ad in 2 months but well worth it.
I can see your point, but I have to say THANK GOD for those real ladies that do advertise ( god bless your cotton undies)
As for responses, its always going to take a while but usually its well worth it. It still staggers ( and gladens) me that sites like this exist.
Just off to hug a tree now biggrin
Well, just a thought but, instead of sites keep baning single guys, perhaps it would be far better to ban adverts from women looking for men. After all the number of adverts from men far out way the ads from women.
Users are only banned from the site for breaching the AUP - it does not make any difference who they are, or what they are looking for.
All the women have to do is search through the ads for someone who takes there fancy, is not that hard
If that is the case - then why do you not do it that way? There are currently around 8000 adverts for Men seeking Women, and around 200 for Women seeking Men. Which is easier to search through, 200 ads or 8000?
A woman can place an advert - then go and do something else while the replies come in. Much more fun than trawling through hundreds of inappropriate ads.
The volume of replies is a problem for women, and the moderators advice is to place the advert, then when enough replies have been received, remove it, and read through the replies at leisure.
If none of the replies comes to anything - place the advert again.
How about we ban all Men seeking Women adverts, on the grounds that very few seem to result in success anyway, and limit Women seeking Men adverts to 48 hours on display? that would solve both problems.
On the other hand - there are at least 20 000 people who view the adverts section every day, many of whom make contact and meet, without ever feeling the need to make any form of comment on the site.
And do ads work for single guys on here? Well only 1 reply to my ad in 2 months but well worth it
I think you just answered your own question. Advertising is just that, you show yourself as available. The fact that you are available does not guarantee that there is anyone out there the least bit attracted by what you are offering.
The purpose of the adverts section is to give you a chance to display your wares, not to get you a shag - that you have to do all by yourself.
Women post ads in the vague hope that we can find a man who can read !!
Most of the replies I had to my ad, (which was very specific), started with, "I fit all your criteria but one........."!!!
We also post ads in the hope that the men replying have thought the whole thing through and dont bottle out at the last minute!!
And finally we also post ads in the hope that men can acuately describe themselves, for example, that they dont say they they are 6'4" when they are really 5'2"!! Surely they must realise that we will notice little things like a missing 12" when they turn up?
Actually, given the responses I ve had, I dont know why women post ad either. Perhaps we are just far too optomistic.
Don't tar us all with the same brush. I'm sure all your points are valid, but some of us are for real and respectful. As for the missing 12", well just sit back and watch th ejokes roll in biggrin
Take care
Herts man
"Rescpect" is perhaps the wrong word to use in this context, as many of the guys who replied obviouosly dont understand the term. I conclude that from replies like "Can shag you on Wed."
But I know what your saying, perhaps it was because I wasnt taring everyone with the same brush I kept the ad running for the full 90 days!!
As for the 12" jokes, let them roll, could do with something to brighten up a post Bank Holiday Tuesday
I agree totally with what Kat and Foxy have said. While it's good for everyone who's "on the market" to advertise their intentions by placing a photo ad, you have to remember that the sheer volume of replies that singles fems get has to be managed somehow. One way is to post an ad for a very short time, then sift through the replies at leisure. If none of them are useful then adverise again. Another way is to stick to very narrow criteria and hope that guys can read and not just reply to everything (that one never works btw rolleyes ). Guys and girls have to use very different methods in this game and that's just a fact of life, so get used to it :shock:
I did an experiment with ads once - a long time ago when I first discovered "internet dating". I did this on a now defunct, but at the time a good for fun site. I posted an ad in four categories - men seeking women, men seeking men, women seeking women and women seeking men. I kept the details the same in all four ads, apart from obviously I changed my gender to be appropriate. The wording was the same in all four - clearly looking for short term sex but it wasn't crude or course in any way. I can't remember the exact figures, but in the couple of days I kept it running, I got no replies at all for the ones wanting women, whether I depcited myself as a male or a female. I got about 10 from the men seeking men ad - all sounded good too - DAMN sad , but well over a 100 from the women seeking men - some of them total shite too I might add.
Make of that what you will, but it clearly shows what we all have to deal with in this game.
Oh, I know I was a time waster, just doing a little experiment, but I did get a few shags out of it though, so it wasn't all bad :twisted:
Quote by foxylady 123
As for the 12" jokes, let them roll,

I've found almost half of the missing inches for you; hopefully someone else can supply the other 7?
Quote by Waytogood
Why do women advertise on here or any site for that matter? Then a few days later they re-advertise again mentioning they have hundreds of responses and to many to reply to. Then A few days more and there back again with the same ad. Then the guys start wondering why they never get a response.
Well, just a thought but, instead of sites keep baning single guys, perhaps it would be far better to ban adverts from women looking for men. After all the number of adverts from men far out way the ads from women. All the women have to do is search through the ads for someone who takes there fancy, is not that hard. Then they will not have spent fruitless hours reading emails. I for one would not bother replying to any ads.
And do ads work for single guys on here? Well only 1 reply to my ad in 2 months but well worth it.

I think you got to be a woman receiving responses to answer this question. Now, Im not pigeon-holing every single man out there, but I would place a fiver (and everyone knows I aint a gambling woman) that 95% of the responses will be either outrageously crude (which could be cool, but would you go and meet a man who started an email saying 'I wanna f*ck ya up the arse' or from a completely different part of the country or perhaps even just a cut-n-paste response. (oh I HATE that!!)
Its the 5% of the responses that most women are looking for. (Ok, I just may be speaking on a personal level, but I think there are a few ladies that will agree with me.) Woman want a bit of seduction, a bit of wooing, a bit of ego stroking and perhaps a bit of humour.
Now men, dont get up in arms. This comment isnt directed at the ones that take the time to place a simple response together, its the ones that think just cause a lady has an ad, shes a complete slapper and politness or a bit of courtesy isn't a part of the picture.
Silky xxx
i sometimes wonder why i advertise!!!!!!!!!!!
i have had over 500 replies, and of them about 450 started off with lines like.. "i know i am not what u asked for......", or "you dont know what you are missing...." rolleyes
bu tthe few i did meet from it have made it worth while! wink
We really will have to do an ad someday - just so that we can say we have done it - confused
Oh KitKat they are so Passe in this modern era biggrin
Put it on the telly then...? The TROJAN condom ad is really good! And if you ever want a larf, you only have to read some of the guys seeking women ones! Go on.....things that make you go...hmmmmmm?
Quote by well_busty_babe
i sometimes wonder why i advertise!!!!!!!!!!!
i have had over 500 replies, and of them about 450 started off with lines like.. "i know i am not what u asked for......", or "you dont know what you are missing...." rolleyes
bu tthe few i did meet from it have made it worth while! wink

I enclosed a picture of John Holmes in my reply to your ad and you STILL said I was too small! sad
Bringing this back onto the original topic, I do wonder what the deal is with a couple of the serial advertisers (I won't name names) in the women for men section, are they just looking for new arrivals here having already had replies from all the regulars?
Maybe I'm just annoyed bacause I meet all their requiremnts except one? :-)
(oh and I *didn't* mail them because of this!)
A woman can place an advert - then go and do something else while the replies come in. Much more fun than trawling through hundreds of inappropriate ads.

i have had over 500 replies, and of them about 450 started off with lines like.. "i know i am not what u asked for......", or "you dont know what you are missing...."

whats better hundreds of inappropriate ads or hundreds of inappropriate responses.
and how can you prove the responses are going to be genuine, could be a girl or boy , woman or man in another country or even from a different plant.
Surely they must realise that we will notice little things like a missing 12" when they turn up?

I enclosed a picture of John Holmes in my reply to your ad and you STILL said I was too small!

Even in the forums I'm guessing. Is Kat a Guy? Is that really busty babe in the pictures.
Think I will go find a web cam? any suggestions?
Quote by Waytogood
whats better hundreds of inappropriate ads or hundreds of inappropriate responses.?

i can just do a "cut n paste" reply for the ones who are of no interest to me, so not really a problem, just set aside about an hour a night to go through them.
Quote by Waytogood
Is that really busty babe in the pictures.

indeed! wink
Quote by well_busty_babe
i sometimes wonder why i advertise!!!!!!!!!!!
i have had over 500 replies, and of them about 450 started off with lines like.. "i know i am not what u asked for......", or "you dont know what you are missing...." rolleyes
bu tthe few i did meet from it have made it worth while! wink

The bit about the "... not what you are looking for..."
While I never post to an advert if I am well outside the criteria, if there is something I lack but I like the look or the sound of the poster then I will ocasionaly post to it, stating my failing, and also saying that i'd be more than happy just to converse on a more social level.
Obviously if they speciafically want someone under say 25 and as I'm 3mumble7mumble then there is a fair chance i'm not thier type as I'm to old, that said the advert may just have something about it that makes me think "heres an interesting attractive person," so no harm in sending a response, and on these occasions if I dont get an answer I dont have a problem as I'm outside the criteria.
I always try to respond (mind you I get less responses, lol) even to say thanks but no thanks. The hardest ones to respond to are the ones where you think, nice person but not my type.... its very hard to write "i'd love to meet socially, but not sure if we'd be sexually compatable," always sounds ruder somehow confused
I've placed an ad looking for men - I've had near on 700 replies and only about 10 of them were worth replying to. Most of them assume they can try their luck even though they don't fit the criteria (I'm not that picky though!).
I do reply to all of them out of politeness but sometimes I wonder why I bother! mad
The best thing I have found is to place an ad for a few days...... then take it off while reading through the replies. If there is nothing you fancy (!) then place another ad.
I'm intruiged by this. Are the 10 worth replying to the only ones that met your criteria, or were there many that matched but you just didn't like the look of?
I'm starting to worry that unless I have the wit of Shakespeare, the body of a greek god and am so well endowed that I can hire myself out as a camera stand, I'm never going to be the 1 in 70 that gets a reply.
I've tried writing replies to some 'women for men' adverts (only when I meet the criteia, of course) but it's very hard to write something that doesn't come across as a 'standard' type of reply - after all, it's pretty much going to be along the lines of "hi, I like the sound of your ad, I fit your criteria, write back if you like the pic I'm attaching' in every case.
I guess what I'm really asking is - does anyone have any tips for writing 'good' replies?
Quote by Mister_Discreet
I'm intruiged by this. Are the 10 worth replying to the only ones that met your criteria, or were there many that matched but you just didn't like the look of?
I'm starting to worry that unless I have the wit of Shakespeare, the body of a greek god and am so well endowed that I can hire myself out as a camera stand, I'm never going to be the 1 in 70 that gets a reply.
I've tried writing replies to some 'women for men' adverts (only when I meet the criteia, of course) but it's very hard to write something that doesn't come across as a 'standard' type of reply - after all, it's pretty much going to be along the lines of "hi, I like the sound of your ad, I fit your criteria, write back if you like the pic I'm attaching' in every case.
I guess what I'm really asking is - does anyone have any tips for writing 'good' replies?

Ok.... my personal opinion is that a one line reply is not exactly enthralling and doesn't warrant a proper reply from me. For example, a real one this: "Cum Fuck me............" - That one gets deleted straight away without a reply saying "thanks but no thanks"!
The ones I do like the sound of however, happen to have a few facts about the person and a hint in there that they have actually read my ad (believe me, a lot of them obviously haven't!). I'm more likely to reply properly to this type of email.
There are no set do's and dont's but just use your brain...... even if it is just sex you're after be nice about it and don't treat the other person like a moron.
Even if the person who has replied doesn't meet all my criteria I have been known to give them a chance because their email was worth replying to.
Something Jordan said recently: "When I'm with a guy, I might be a slag with the sexual things I do, but I'm not a slag"
- Some men should remember this when replying!
So there! flipa
tryed to put a new one in under.. ..and i said i did not want any paying tarts to contact me as thay can piss off!
UPS SORRY! :doh:
love debbie xxx :rose:
Quote by onlyme1981
Something Jordan said recently: "When I'm with a guy, I might be a slag with the sexual things I do, but I'm not a slag" - Some men should remember this when replying!

That's very true, but everyone thinks Jordan is a slag because that's the side of herself she chooses to share with us. Likewise, it's often hard to be inspirational in response to a woman's ad because most of those ads are very uninspirational in themselves. When I was playing the game, I sometimes got the impression men and women were playing chicken - each eyeing the other, trying not to be the first one to put any imagination (or effort) into what they write. But of course, a game of "who blinks first" will just end up with both participants' eyeballs drying up and falling out if you're both determined to beat the other. What I'm saying is, someone has to be the first to show a little bit of your inner self, and it might as well be you.
When replying, I used to try to do something a little different every time, so I at least didn't blend in with the pack and who knows, I might've hit the lady's buttons by sheer blind luck. I don't know what any of the ladies thought of this, but it kept me amused at any rate!