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Why is it that when you either invite someone or respond to someones contact you are very hard pressed to get a reply.
Everytime I get an invite or someone sends me an email I do the right thing and reply to them.
Come people show a bit of respect for your fellow swingers, so the next time someone sends you a message or invite do the decent thing and reply even if to say thanks but no thanks. redface
Getting same problem as you mate. Not even a "no thanks."
Makes me think that some people are only advertising as a wind up. mad
If there are genuine swingers out there, please prove me wrong.
most people here are male so whenever a woman posts somethin then it just gets mobbed!
I am so glad that I am not the only person who feels so concerned about this subject.
Thanks for the support guys and gals if there are any on here lol
Guys, I don't want to be rude, but people don't have to reply to you, it's really up to them.
Always think carefully about what you write to someone - remember you don't know then from Adam (and vice versa), so why not just write to them as a potential friend, and see what develops from there?
I seem to remember one thread which said that a female poster can get in excess of 100 replies and sometime a lot more than that.
We males have to make sure our posts or PMs stand out from the crowd.
good point Byron
How many of you guys would write to a friend and say " i have a 9" ( in your dreams ) dick and would love to f**k you with it. Where do you go dogging, can you travel to meet me " They get deleted.
We are honest and realistic in our advert, thats what you guys need to be.
Good luck and keep trying
Jackie and Ben
I would like to know if there is anychance of you sucking my cock like that.

That's an opening line I received yesterday from a newcomer to the site. He had obviously seen my pics on my www and jumped to the conclusion that I was the female in the pics, even though looking at my signature may have given a slight clue!! He hadn't bothered to think about his post or the likelihood of success. I have to say I did reply to him and struck up quite a rapport with him before I gently broke it to him as to who he was talking to. I even gave him hints on how to reply to ads, etc. Strangely enough, I didn't hear from him again - I was gutted :cry: !
Be aware guys, the females on here are outnumbered at least 40 to 1 and do literally get hundreds of responses to ads and ad-hoc responses. They complain even more than the guys about the quality of their replies and really and truthfully do not have the time to say 'thanks, but no thanks' to, in some cases, hundreds of guys.
So don't come here moaning about not getting a reply. Put it down to experience. You have more chance of a reply from anyone if you post regularly on the forums and people get to know you there, your likes, your dislikes, your personality. Trust me, it works. You get out of this what you put in, so join in, have fun. Make friends first, sex may come as a very nice side effect, not the main aim.
Kit and I do not advertise, so it is not a huge problem to us and we are able to reply to everyone, athough it sometimes takes us a bit of time.
However, the only thing we ask is for people to remember that we are a couple, and I get so many people ignoring that, and ignoring me when they reply.
You can be as polite and thoughtful to Kit as you like, but if you ignore me, you are dead in the water.
If you walk in to a room, and a couple were sitting at a table, would you walk up to the woman and start chatting her up, without even acknowledging that her husband is there?
Quote by KitKat
Kit and I do not advertise, so it is not a huge problem to us and we are able to reply to everyone, athough it sometimes takes us a bit of time.
However, the only thing we ask is for people to remember that we are a couple, and I get so many people ignoring that, and ignoring me when they reply.
You can be as polite and thoughtful to Kit as you like, but if you ignore me, you are dead in the water.
If you walk in to a room, and a couple were sitting at a table, would you walk up to the woman and start chatting her up, without even acknowledging that her husband is there?

WHO said that???? lol
Kat is correct (to take a serious note) and us women HATE men who think they can be rough, crude and offensive without asking first.
Just as I don't have to answer the phone every time it rings, so I don't have to respond to any old email/PM unless I choose to or if the sender is welcome.
Okay, rant follows, because this is a hot-button topic for me.
Quote by byron
Guys, I don't want to be rude, but people don't have to reply to you, it's really up to them.

And I don't have to be nice to my granny either, that's up to me too. And I can be as rude as I like to the girl in the corner shop, and I don't have to say hi if I see my neighbour while I'm getting my car out. For that matter, I don't have to let people cut in in front of me, and I certainly don't have to stop to help a friend if I see them broken down by the roadside. It really is up to me.
But they do say that you reap what you sow.
So let's turn this on its head. All those folks who are unhappy about the quality of the messages you get from single guys (and I know from experience it's not a problem confined to single guys, but let's keep it simple) - what have you done to change the situation? How have you encouraged those who have actually taken the time to read your ad, meet the criteria, supply the information you asked for and generally invested their time and effort in trying to make your fantasies - your fantasies - come true?
I'm not looking at anyone here when I say this. I'm looking at a list of 128 handles, ad numbers & email addresses I've tried contacting, and a list of 8 who bothered to respond. And I certainly wasn't just writing "hey babe here's my 9-inches cum sit on it" 128 times. No, I'm not saying that I deserved to have sex with all 128 people, or that I deserved to meet all 128 of them, or that I deserved to chat with all of them or have the opportunity get to know them all in any way. I'm not saying my prose was always Shakespearean, I'm not saying that I was ever Cyrano de Bergerac. But as far as I'm concerned, 128 times I was - as near as I could tell - what the advert was asking for, 128 times I included all the information that was requested, and 128 times I put in my time, my effort, my energies, into writing a decent reply. Some of them I happen to think were pretty damn good.
(But maybe they were actually crap. And if they were, how am I to know if nobody ever tells me? It's a self-perpetuating cycle; I'll just go on inflicting my crap on more and more people. By telling me I'm crap you'd be helping not just me but the next person I choose to contact - or maybe the next 127!)
And time after time, I've questioned the wisdom of this approach, when I could have got the same results - maybe better, who knows? - by writing "hey babe here's my 9-inches cum sit on it" and attaching a picture of my dick. I can well see why some guys will stop bothering to make an effort. And so the vicious circle continues. (Though I'm certainly not denying that lots of guys are natural pillocks in what they write and need no help from anyone.)
Yes, women get a hell of a lot of responses. I know. But maybe I'm a sadistic bastard because my heart is not overflowing with sympathy. In fact, I think:
(a) If your advert has generated more responses than you could handle, maybe you should think about taking your advert down while you work through the backlog?
(b) So you got 500 responses. Reasonable? Maybe. Let's say 80% of them are one-liners or copy-and-paste jobs undeserving of a response. Realistic? I have no idea. That leaves 100 guys who actually put in an effort. Too many to respond to? Sure, in one sitting. So do 10 a day and you'll have dealt with them all within a fortnight. 5 a day and you'll have cleared the backlog in three weeks. I'm not even saying you have to read them all - just a polite "Sorry, you weren't what I was looking for. Good luck finding someone!" is very much appreciated from the single-guy side of the equation, I can assure you!
Heather wrote an excellent guide for single guys (if you've not read it, it's in the Advice section on this website - read it now, it's very good). Towards the end, she says:
it's becoming more of a job than a bit of harmless fun

And I've no doubt that's true. It is a job; a chore. But life's full of chores. I had scrambled eggs for lunch, and I cooked them even though I knew I'd have to work hard to clean the saucepan afterwards. But I cooked and I cleaned, I ate and I enjoyed. The chores are often worth the rewards. This website isn't a place where you should expect to find a free shag, isn't that the cliche? And something else that's a chore, is trying to be romantic and charming in email #129 after 120 previous attempts fell on apparently deaf ears and dumb lips.
Quote by Mal
So don't come here moaning about not getting a reply.

And others have expressed a similar view. And while I certainly respect his and others' experience and positions of stature and experience and in some cases authority, I disagree strongly and forcefully. The only point in favour of this view, to my mind, is that discussions of this issue become repetative and boring for the forum regulars. That may well be true. But at the end of the day, I think far too many people - and again I'm not looking at anyone in particular - treat single guys like a loaf of bread. They obtain the whole loaf, but only eat bits and throw the crusts away without a thought. Please, people; those crusts can feed the birds. And I'm can't think of a positive reason why I should be tolerant of that.
I think - and I really do believe this - that everyone involved in this has the power the improve the situation, just a little bit. Those who are responding to ads can improve our responses, match them better to the ad we're responding to. Those who are posting the ads can encourage the better responders without having to lead them on or promise to sleep with them. But it's no good one side or the other coming here and bleating about how unfair it is - nobody said life was fair. We can all work to make the situation better.
Quote by Heather
it's becoming more of a job than a bit of harmless fun

I guess she's right. But why shouldn't we make the effort?
worship :rose:
For some very good points, very well raised Roger. Well done that man!
I have to hold my hands up and say that there are several people who responded to my ad that didn't get a reply, and I have had a few PMs through the forum that I haven't replied to for various reasons, but will in future.
Furthermore, I apologise to anyone who HAS pm'd me and not received a reply. It won't happen again (Just don't be surprised if it says "Thanks but no thanks :twisted: )
I'm going to play Devil's Advocat here.
I believe you have raise some excellent points but (how did you know there was going to be a but), we are talking real life. I don't know if you've tried selling, I have and I have learnt quite a lot from trying to sell. The things I have learnt are, in no particular order:
I'm not a salesman
90% of people you try to sell to aren't interested, even if their life depends on it. You have to make them interested
99% Don't give two hoots about your feelings
If you can't take rejection, do something else.
The important part of this list and what makes a good sales person is someone who can make you interested in what they have to sell.
Remember, you are trying in your email, PM etc to sell yourself. You have an extremely small window of opportuntiy to grab that person's attention.
If the subject line doesn't "grab them", they won't open the message.
If they open the message, the first line has to make them want to read more.
And on it goes so that by the end of your message they want to hit Reply and say, "Roger give me a ring on...."
As for rejection and not getting a reply... Do what the really good sales people do, ignore it and write the next message. Even in Swinging, to some extent, it is a numbers game. Sooner or later someone will read your message and say to themselves "that Roger seems like a nice guy..."
Now before you all flame me, remember I'm playing Devil's Advocat.
As far as I'm aware, every message I've sent has only been to people whose criteria I meet as closely as possible. If the Ad says 25 - 45, I don't send a message. Why? Because, at 48, I'm outside the age range. If the Ad says slim, I don't send a message because I'm no longer slim. Have I received replies? Yes. Not only have I received replies but I have had two contacts not initiated by me.
Now the sad part, some days I have sent out between 20 and 30 messages each one individually written in answer to a particular aspect of the advert. Not just on this site, but on the other Swinging sites that I'm a member of. Do I receive a reply to each one? No, I'm lucky to recieve a reply (positive or negative) to about 1%.
Roger, it can be soul destroying but your 1st positive reply makes everything worth while even if when you meet up you don't hit it off.
My best advice is in two parts: "Try, try, try again" and "be yourself".
Don't give up. It really is worth it.
Good Response Roger. You are obviously trying harder than most to meet someone, but sometimes you have to look at what you are sending, even though matching their criteria, and ask yourself the question 'why isn't this working?' I don't mean this in a negative way, but sometimes we are too close to our writings to be objective about it's good or bad points. How about asking an unbiased person to look at them for you? You could either post it on here and ask all and sundry for their comments, good and bad, or send it to maybe a mix of single guy, single girl and a couple and ask for comments.
For a wacky example - you might have a large spot on your nose. To you it's nothing and you tend to ignore it. To others, it becomes the focal point of your face and it puts them off, but they don't tell you in case it hurts your feelings. You then wonder what is the problem until you meet someone who will bite the bullet and tell you about the spot. That's what you need now.
Your responses act in the same way as a CV. A CV doesn't get you a job, only the interview. It is then up to you to turn the interview into the job.
I know I said don't come on here and moan about it, that still holds true, because nobody likes a moaner. Come on here and ask advice, because nobody minds helping out where they can. They look at your cry for help and offer it, rather than say 'another moaning singly'. It's all about perspective and showing yourself in the best light.
If you keep replying, you may get a response. If you stop replying, you definitely wont.
Keep plugging away and don't lose hope.
At this point I should add that the motivation behind Roman's little moan may have also included something to do with me and my failure to respond to his PM.
It wasn't a rude PM, but it was unsolicited and contained nothing of importance beyond the usual "I want to shag you" type thing. Seeing as I don't actually KNOW the guy, and seeing that I don't have an ad myself, that I'm not currently looking for new partners as I've got enough, I really didn't see why I should reply... Don't I have enough to do around here?
Quote by Heather
At this point I should add that the motivation behind Roman's little moan may have also included something to do with me and my failure to respond to his PM.
It wasn't a rude PM, but it was unsolicited and contained nothing of importance beyond the usual "I want to shag you" type thing. Seeing as I don't actually KNOW the guy, and seeing that I don't have an ad myself, that I'm not currently looking for new partners as I've got enough, I really didn't see why I should reply... Don't I have enough to do around here?

This is may a good time to mention an Autoresponder.
The site, I don't think, has one, probably because the traffic it would generate could be enormous.
Your Autoresponder could say something along the lines of "Thank you for your message, if I/we are interested I'll/we'll contact you back" etc...
The problem, as mentioned, is the increase in traffic and bandwith, something which will only worry Mark.
Anyhow, something to think about.
I've moved this topic to the Cafe, because although it is a recurring issue, having read through the thread, there is some new stuff in it.
For my part I will say this -
There are many different people on here. An approach that would work for one couple, might receive a totally different response from Kit and I.
Kit and I often receive unsolicited contacts, both PM and E-Mail, from blokes whose first line is to apologise because they are new to this and are not sure how to start.
My advice is generally this:
"I can only tell you what works for Kit and I. Try and avoid thinking of your first contact as a request for a meet, you are just trying to start a conversation"
And I stick by that for ME.
I do not want a cv, life history, full physical description, relevant chapters from the Karma Sutra, where you live, or how far you are prepared to travel.
Those of you have have know me for a while, will know I do not spend a great deal of time sending PMs, and rarely if ever have e-mail conversations. I prefer to chat in public. Kit may be different, she has only recently started using her own user name and is still getting the feel of it.
That does not mean that I cringe when I get a PM. I enjoy having private chats as much as the next person, I just enjoy chatting on the forum more.
If anyone new wants to contact me try: "Hiya Kat, just trying to get to know people on the site, do you mind chatting on PM?"
I will always reply - eventually! rolleyes
Roman, I can understand that people cannot be bothered replying to emails where the person on the other end has clearly not bothered to make much effort or is of the "wanna shag, mail me" variety.
Of the ones which merit a reply though, I suspect some of the problem with people not replying to emails with a "thanks but no thanks" note is that to do so would disclose their own email address. Some guys don't seem to be able to take no for an answer or take any form of rejection with spite, so it is understandable that some people choose not to reply, just to preserve their own anonymity, even if they are using a fairly anonymous address.
I think that is a minority of cases though. I think there are also people who don't reply because they have this idea that they will keep you in the pending tray in case the 38 others ahead of you all turn out to be losers, some don't reply because they are incapable of saying "you are not my type" and feel wracked with guilt over trying to put it in writing, and some don't reply because they cannot be bothered. Its a shame, because an email doesn't cost much and manners are free.
I can only speak for myself here, not single women as a whole.
I have had my advert on for about 6-7 weeks now and in that time have received HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of replies.
My intention was to reply to everyone… regardless of if I wanted to meet them or not.
However sometimes this is not possible, due to aol returning messages, accidentally deleting wrong ones… or human error, but the intention was there. So please bear this in mind
Of all the men who replied to my advert, I have only been interested in meeting up with 4 of them (and one of those was a timewaster!) so we are talking about a rejection rate of more than 99 percent.
That is a hell of a lot of no thank you emails to sit typing out.
If all of these people would have been genuine and it was all down to my fussiness I would not have resented the time spent replying to them, but a very large proportion of them had obviously not read my advert properly, or had read it and ignored the criteria!
Ie, the “I know you said blah blah blah … but” type.
These people are not worthy of my time in my opinion and so for the last few weeks I have been ignoring them, and just replying to everyone else.
I can see though why a lot of people would be so fed up with all of it that it would put them off replying to anyone at all.
If you want to blame anyone for u not getting replys.. blame the time wasters and the wannabes, because without them,,,, we would have a lot more time to reply to the genuine people.
And as an after thought.. can I just point out that when we DO reply saying no thankyou, instead of gratitude… we often end up with either abuse telling us that we are not worthy of them anyway, or being constantly pestered asking us to reconsider….. so it works both ways!
Quote by AD1956
Roman, I can understand that people cannot be bothered replying to emails where the person on the other end has clearly not bothered to make much effort or is of the "wanna shag, mail me" variety.
Of the ones which merit a reply though, I suspect some of the problem with people not replying to emails with a "thanks but no thanks" note is that to do so would disclose their own email address. Some guys don't seem to be able to take no for an answer or take any form of rejection with spite, so it is understandable that some people choose not to reply, just to preserve their own anonymity, even if they are using a fairly anonymous address.

You beat me to it AD1956.... I was just about to add his point as this is one of the reasons I do not reply to any emails concerning our ad.
My standard no reply is "Many thanks for your email in response to our ad, unfortunately you are not what we are looking for but we wish you luck in your search"...... Believe it or not I have recieved some very nasty replies back quoting all sorts of insults from "I wouldn't want to shag you anyway" (work that one out) to one where I politely pointed out that the upper age limit is 40 and the person responding to the ad was 48, he said "You look 50 anyway"..... So sometimes even if you reply you cant win.....
I always replied at the start as I agree with AD1956 about manners being free, but the more I come up against these sorts of replies the less likely I am to reply. Having said that if it is a nicely written email I will respond as the person has taken the time to think about what they are saying....
Good thread content guys..... very thought provoking and alot of well thought out responses....
Quote by well_busty_babe
If all of these people would have been genuine and it was all down to my fussiness I would not have resented the time spent replying to them, but a very large proportion of them had obviously not read my advert properly, or had read it and ignored the criteria!
Ie, the “I know you said blah blah blah … but” type.

Don't it just bug the s**t out of you when people do that??... mad
Quote by well_busty_babe
And as an after thought.. can I just point out that when we DO reply saying no thankyou, instead of gratitude… we often end up with either abuse telling us that we are not worthy of them anyway, or being constantly pestered asking us to reconsider….. so it works both ways!

Glad to know we are not the only one's WBB..... sad
Quote by JudyTV
this is not an observation this is a fact of life.

:upset: Can't we have a better life, with different facts?