Quote by Kiss
I can recall twice taking guys along to a munch and a club meet/social type thingy. Both guys pretty much unknown (probably 10 posts between them and they were posted in LMU) but both guys were 'fit'.
But do you think they could be more 'shaggable' by association?
Not by being associated to me :lol: :lol:
Quote by Kiss
You took them to the club, therefore some people may have assumed that they guys were 'ok' or known?
I meet them originally because they were fit and didn't come across like complete dickheads. After having the 'pleasure' (literally) a few times, I became aware they were pretty much OK guys - hence the reason for taking them along.
To say people may have assumed they were 'known' is somewhat difficult to go along with as anyone who uses the forum regularly knows if they recognise a username. In addition - most of the people there didn't realise they were with me
Quote by Kiss
Did the guys have to make any effort with you before you took them to the club or did you just see their picture and think they were fit? Or did you already know them?
No (though I always test-drive first), yes, yes.
Quote by Kiss
Of course I don't know any of the answers but they were the questions that popped into my mind and hope you don't mind me asking?
np - asking questions is an important part of life and learning :wink: