Quote by foxylady2209
...Yes, some do degenerate into playground slanging matches....
I agree with this above quote.
I remember when I joined in 2004, the quality of threads where great.
Members showed each other respect & it made me think.
Also if a non-Swinger would of read them they would of realized that members of this community do have intellect. Instead of being Sex Crazed Maddness that the Tabloid Press state that we are.
Just look at the article about the Female Preacher last week.
Now & again please be aware this is my own viewpoint.
Threads are now either rubbish in terms of quality...
just plain nonsense.
Am sure one will turn-up being...
It's Raining Outside, do you like the Rain?.
I can't breathe underwater, can you.
Then when a serious issue come up then it always goes off with the mentioned playground mentality occurring.
If a person has a debate with say a more popular member of this community...then all the gang turn up : Giving one person loads.
As I have said we are all Adults & can fight our own battles. If members are so upset then contact a Moderator & make a formal complaint.
Simple like in 2004.
My other suggestion is that a new section of the Website is created in place of the Chatroom Forum.
A serious section where non Swining Subjects can be posted. The other more what I would term light silly could be on this section.
The Cafe at this moment in time is way toooo random.
All I want is to debate things at times.
It's turning really boring.
Well that's my viewpoint, as we are a wonderful diverse community.
That's how I want it to be instead of this boring & almost at times bullying attitude.