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Why I won't be going to the after munch party!

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We may have been a bit hasty on that one to be honest,we are waiting until we know ALL of the facts,we were gonna edit that post but as so many people had read it we didnt see the point,we appologise if it offended anyone.
I have just been informed that this thread has appeared. After reading through three pages I see that there is a lot of emotion in the air. A lot of argument has passed back and forth without the knowledge of what has actually occurred.
A lot of you have said that the "brave" person is not brave enough to show themselves. This is not quite true as I am now making myself known at the earliest opportunity.
I had my reasons to withdraw the invite and this is on a very personal level between me and LC. The main reason has not been listed above.
Unlike LC I will not wash my dirty linen in public and should LC wish to listen to my reasons, then please PM me with your phone number and I will be happy to explain this further.
Seeing as LC isn't going to the party does that mean there's a vacancy ??? confused :? :? :?
Alright!! It was a joke!!! rolleyes LC I agree with all the comments here that have supported you. I can't help feeling there is more to this than meets the eye. evil :evil:
Am inclined to lock this thread now - but any Mod can unlock and I won't take umbrage. I think enough has been said for now and the rest should be done by PM. If you think otherwise then fine.... PM a Mod!
Been sent a PM asking to give a response - there will be a 5 minute interval.
I'm locking this again - if you want access please PM another Mod cos I won't be around.
Marcuso has asked that he be allowed to post to this thread, and seeing as he hasn't been given a chance to respond, the thread in being temporarily opened.... biggrin
I'm inclined to say leave it open to allow all relevant parties to respond. It is only fair as a lot of accusations have been made and it is fair to all concerned that they are allowed to publicly defend themselves if they so wish. Of course if those people would prefer their response to be kept to PM, that's fair enough. I would say that only if the conversation should become abusive should the thread be locked permanently.
Quote by JudyTV
Yes a lot has been said and most of it on public forum so perhaps it should be allowed to run if the mods keep a tight grip on things then it may be OK.
I think all parties should be allowed to air their views in a orderly democratic manner. If it does become abusive then it should be locked. Up to now it has been fairly non abusive.

If you'd permit me, I'd like to second that Judy.
The problem with threads like this is that people skim-read them. It's understandable; people don't have time to launch an in-depth study on four pages of a disagreement in an Internet forum. But this means people get a skewed impression of events, usually skewed towards whoever made the first two or three posts, and the last two or three. In theory, a right of reply and the ability to air views sounds like a mighty fine idea. In practice, I have my doubts...
Still, so long as it gets locked while all the mods are in bed together, I'm sure there's no chance of it turning into a festering wound spitting vitriol over the face of the forum.
I'm gonna keep shtum on the matter in hand, as I can see a lot of points of view, and I'm glad it's God job to figure out who's done right and who's done wrong on his big universal scorecard, because I don't think any of the rest of us will manage it.
I have spoken to LC on the phone and explained my reasons fully which he has accepted.
As far as I am concerned, the matter has been resolved.
Wow :shock:
LC you have been in our house briefly and we spent some time in a club together. You were nothing but a gentleman, very excitable but a true gent.
I agree with all the posts offering you support and would have no hesitation in inviting you back to ours or spending more time in your company.
This has been dealt with very badly and I believe that this won't end until the truth behind it all comes out.
Hugs LC kiss
Dawn :silly:
It's a difficult call...
This is the kind of thread that rapidly decends into personal stuff because that's the very nature of it. Lock it and we get accused of stiffling debate, leave it open and it just spirals downwards...
It's always a shame when personal stuff spills over into public forums. Nothing will ever get truly sorted in this way.
But I'm sure us Mods will be prepared to bash as many heads as it takes.... :twisted:
Hmmmm, interesting thread to find when I decide to pop in!
All I can say is that I have met both Lovecommando and Dave_Notts in person and got on fine with both of them. It seems like things have now been resolved in private which is the right place.
I would say though that to start banning people from the munch proper on the basis of private disputes with other members about a private party would be completely unacceptable and in my opinion completely invalidate the inclusive nature of the SH Munches.
Also I do not think there is any reason for 'the truth' to come out, to be honest it is none of our business. The truth is too easily distorted and every person has their own opinion of it, that kind of 'outing' only ever ends in mudslinging and recriminations.
All that said though, very much looking forward to the munch and hoping everyone has a very good time. lol
Roger the Dragon
Edited away what I put here as it was supposed to be PM.. but I fucked it up. redface
OK folks..................I've actually been online since this evening................after I had this thread pointed out to me................I have been "copy and pasting" everything on the thread so that I can answer each and every one of you.............................I feel that I need to do this for two reasons....................
1. to try to vindicate myself and the reasons for everything blowing up and.............
try and deflate/defuse the situation...................................
I wil be posting a message in answer to all this as soon as I have composed it.......................hope to catch you all soon.............
xx xx
PS.......can we now please stop posting in here till I've put my main post up as I keep having to "copy and paste" even
Locked again until something constructive is offerd - PMs to Mods please.
Unlocking this a mo cool
The reason I posted on here is becuase I wanted to make it clear that whatever had been said about me was either untrue or based on a mis-perception. I was reacting to what information I had been given.
I responded to the final PM Marcuso had sent me but I got no reply. I wanted to get to the bottom of this enigma and sent him a final PM, as follows.

Quote by Lovecommando
Dear Marcuso,
Ok I'll try and make this a bit easier for you. I accept that I won't be invited to the after munch party. I find it hard to believe that I am being left off the list because I was the party 'bore' last weekend. You have said that there are others that do not want me to attend for some reason. I fail to see what I may have done to upset someone. If I have then please ask them to PM me and we can clear things up, if this is the case. I'm sure there has been some misunderstanding all round.
I admit I was probably not at my party 'best'. I was most certainly upset by the apparent loss of my phone and was preoccupied with it's whereabouts. Surely this is understandable. I think it's unfair for people to judge me on this one evening when I was feeling a bit down. On another night I would probably behaved differently. It was just one of those nights when I was not in tune with everyone else it seems.
I don't want to fall out with anyone. I joined this site to make friends not lose them. So I'll see you at the munch and I'll have that beer if it's still on offer.

I still received no reply. Even though I requested those who had an issue with me to contact me. I began to think that maybe there was no-one else involved after all. That the issue was all to do with Marcuso, after all he suggested that if I should fall out with anyone it should be him.
I was upset that there was no respose to the issues Marcuso had raised. So I decided to go public, just in case things had been said about me and I wanted to make plain my position.
Tonight, Dave_Notts has come forward. I have spoken to him at length and it is he who has an issue with me. This has been discussed at length and an understanding has been reached. That is all I can say.
I appologise to Dave and Alex for being dragged into were excellent hosts at the NE munch and I hope you will attend their post munch party. Please do not look unkindly on them as they are thouroughly decent and friendly people.
Dave has asked me why I did not PM him in the first place. The truth is I had no idea who may have had an issue with me, even though I requested Marcuso to contact those concerned, as you have seen. From what Dave says he had no idea about the above PMs I sent to Marcuso, with my request for those concerned to come forward.
How am I supposed to communicate with others if the person responsible for communication is not doing his job.
Like Blue says, this has been handled badly.