Was meant to eb getting a shag and now Im not, gawd was so looking forward to it. Unfortunately it cant be helped except by masturbating now

Quote by fruity1976
Has your monday sucked so far? MIne has a bit
Was meant to eb getting a shag and now Im not, gawd was so looking forward to it. Unfortunately it cant be helped except by masturbating nowbut man Im disappointed :cry:
Quote by warwick
my Monday sucks because I didnt spend the weekend with anyone except my kids
and I spent yesterday mending bike tyres oh and I overcooked the beef for the roast :cry:
I never do that, oh and I still cant sit down, and neilinleeds is doing all the pulling on another thread
and Ive got a nasty cold too :cry:
Quote by warwick
my Monday sucks because I didnt spend the weekend with anyone except my kids
and I spent yesterday mending bike tyres oh and I overcooked the beef for the roast :cry:
I never do that, oh and I still cant sit down, and neilinleeds is doing all the pulling on another thread
and Ive got a nasty cold too :cry:
Quote by wetslide
lucifer... surely thats a double dangy!.. i mean its a good thing that youve had a god time but by the same token its crap coz you will not be seeing her anytime soon
come here mate :therethere: (thats a manly blokish hug ofcourse)
Quote by corriefem
So how is your Tuesday ..................................8-)
Love Corriexxxxxx