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Why my monday sucks - So far!

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Has your monday sucked so far? MIne has a bit sad
Was meant to eb getting a shag and now Im not, gawd was so looking forward to it. Unfortunately it cant be helped except by masturbating now confused but man Im disappointed :cry:
arrrw poor fruity... i was having a crap morning too, until one superb music video came on TV and then i had one of them funny 5 mins... ya know that sudden burst of energy? even filmed myself on my phone!.. deleted that straight away though as seeing myself singing (well shouting) like i was auditioning for the X factor never really done it for me.. i did laugh tho.
Anyway, now the sette is where its at. For the next couple of hours anyway.
hehe yes I am shagless today but then I read DaveJ's cheap avatar thread again and well need I say more lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by fruity1976
Has your monday sucked so far? MIne has a bit sad
Was meant to eb getting a shag and now Im not, gawd was so looking forward to it. Unfortunately it cant be helped except by masturbating now confused but man Im disappointed :cry:

Well if I can help in any way..... wink
Quote by fruity1976
Has your monday sucked so far? MIne has a bit sad
Was meant to eb getting a shag and now Im not, gawd was so looking forward to it. Unfortunately it cant be helped except by masturbating now confused but man Im disappointed :cry:

Fruity we can be shagless together (in a sense) go back to bed and get ya toys out girl, best way to make your day seem better I think wink
lil bunny.. thats a positive view point! biggrin
I gotta get me some toys!. wink my gf can tell when her toy has been moved!.
Quote by wetslide
lil bunny.. thats a positive view point! biggrin
I gotta get me some toys!. wink my gf can tell when her toy has been moved!.

Lol well proofs in the pudding or so they say
works for me every time
Now time to get out of bed (again) and restart my day :wink:
Real bored again at work.....can't get this forum thing out of mi mind.......... only started yesterday on it but bloodi 'ell it's the way Fruity...always happi to help if ya need some company....he...he...... lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: evil :evil: :evil:
My mondays sucks as well sad
Spent all yesterday nursing a hangover and it turned into a sicky bug overnight :( Have had to take the day off work :( and spent most of it ast asleep in bed next to my darling hubby and I can't even muster the energy for a shag! The kids are home in an hour and I still feel ick :(
normally like monday s but had to go into work to do some extra course work
ooo toys i think ill just wait till tha old fella gets in dont wanna spoil my appertite wink
Awwwwwww, hope u feel better soon Calsita! confused
oh my.... it really is a shite monday for everyone isnt it?
My Monday sucks, because I spent the weekend in the company of a lovely, gorgeous, generous, witty, intellligent, sensual person from here.... and I have to wait another 2 weeks before seeing her again :upset:
passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss: :passionkiss:
lucifer... surely thats a double dangy!.. i mean its a good thing that youve had a god time but by the same token its crap coz you will not be seeing her anytime sooncome here mate :therethere: (thats a manly blokish hug ofcourse)
my Monday sucks because I didnt spend the weekend with anyone except my kids
and I spent yesterday mending bike tyres oh and I overcooked the beef for the roast :cry:
I never do that, oh and I still cant sit down, and neilinleeds is doing all the pulling on another thread
and Ive got a nasty cold too :cry:
Quote by warwick
my Monday sucks because I didnt spend the weekend with anyone except my kids
and I spent yesterday mending bike tyres oh and I overcooked the beef for the roast :cry:
I never do that, oh and I still cant sit down, and neilinleeds is doing all the pulling on another thread
and Ive got a nasty cold too :cry:

Moves the quilt over a bit .... :therethere: there's still room for two under here Warwick.
Quote by warwick
my Monday sucks because I didnt spend the weekend with anyone except my kids
and I spent yesterday mending bike tyres oh and I overcooked the beef for the roast :cry:
I never do that, oh and I still cant sit down, and neilinleeds is doing all the pulling on another thread
and Ive got a nasty cold too :cry:

I always undercook read meat! Dunno why Im just not very good at it!! I can do chicken and lamb and can work wonders with veggies and stuff like that but when it comes to cooking a nice bit of meat I just cant do it!!
anyhooo I know this was a moan about monday but if anybodys got any meat cooking, sucking licking tips for me feel free hahaha lol
Well I was meant to be housework and other jobs but decided after being carted round a field by the horse in the rain and wind my time would be more productively spent having a saun. steam and jacuzzi
Suppose u could say I've had a good monday lol
Bliss and kids home after a week away - can't wait to see them wink
Quote by wetslide
lucifer... surely thats a double dangy!.. i mean its a good thing that youve had a god time but by the same token its crap coz you will not be seeing her anytime soon
come here mate :therethere: (thats a manly blokish hug ofcourse)

Well thankyou loads Wetslide - made me feel loads better!
Quote by corriefem
So how is your Tuesday .................................. cool 8-) lol :lol:
Love Corriexxxxxx

Corrie, my Tuesday is much much better thankyou hun - I found out last night that she's coming over to see me again on Wednesday :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Just how lucky can a guy be ?????