Thankyou all very muchly. I can type much better now my hands have stopped shaking. I guess i'm just feeling nervously excited now although I fully expect my earlier feelings to return when we're walking through the door of the club but....nothing ventured nothing gained. Just wish I'd bought that vibrating tongue stud i was looking at last week just in case.
Anyways, thanks for the advice, links and pm's, all much needed and very welcomed. I'll update this thread tomorrow and let ya know how it went.
Blimey, what time does it stay open til? :shock:
now i know how expectant dads feel,pacing the waiting room,chain smoking,waiting for news,,,,, Iain and Lisa,,,,, WAKE UUUUUP!!!!
i think they've stayed over and are back there again tonight !!! good luck if you are btw!!
Sorry to keep you all in suspense. There's no easy way to say this so I'll get straight to the point...we bottled it. Got as far as a pub about half a mile from the place but after a drink and a chat we decided to go for a meal and talk things through. Seems we're both cowards and we need our hands holding whilst we get through the door so we're gonna spend this week trying to find a nice, understanding couple to come in with us.
Sorry we didn't have more to tell you but we aint giving up so am sure pretty soon we'll break our duck and get over the threshold. Tell ya what though we're feeling a bit sheepish now but it's better than the abject terror we felt last night, still, the meal was good so it wasn't a complete waste of time.
Iain - you are not cowards - you were clearly nervous before - and it clearly was too big a hurdle for you no shame in that.
If - IF you try again then don't post it on here beforehand - you really can go to a place as Misschief said and just have a look around with no pressure to do anything YOU both don't wish to do.