Gareth Thomas has just come out.
Apparently he has broken one of the "last taboos in sport" according to some reporters.
Why, in the 21st century, should someone's sexuality be ?
In my head most rugby boys are gay anyway... :rascal:
Quote by noladreams
In my head most rugby boys are gay anyway... :rascal:
Quote by Steve
I wouldn't have thought that was homophobic Brighton, as much as a not-so-secret fantasy on Nola's part
Quote by BIoke
He's very sexy anyway - can I out him on the list for 2010 please nola... but please don't hit me if I don't get him first time around
Quote by Drsticky
I think the article is trying to refer to the fact that homosexuality is wrongly hushed up in many sports, no that homosexuality is a ' '
I've played rugby for years. I personally believe that it is the ultimate team game, and the reaction from his team mates is exactly what I'd expect. It takes different skills, shapes, sizes and ways of thinking to be good rugby team. The diversity of 15 players makes it good and for many people enjoyable. I believe it's one of the few sports where you can and should be open about your sexuality. This has happened before in Australian rugby league. A player (i can't remember which) was about to be 'exposed' by the media as being gay. He told his manager and whole team the day before the article came out. The whole team stood by him and supported him. Most just said 'yeah we knew' :-)
Alfie's not the only one, but I hope to see more people learning from his excellent example.
Quote by BIoke
Anyways, thanks Brighton for once again reminding us you're not gay (or bi) - I'm gonna count how many times you've said it in your posts when day when I'm bored and I've finished carving potaoes into the heads of minor celebrities
Quote by BrightonGeezer
The way you keep on, I'm beginning to thing you want to fuck me! - Sorry dude, I do like anal but only with a female and of course with me being top (I believe that is correct terminology for the dude that sticks his cock in).
Oh, and there is a T in potatoes! LMAO!!
Quote by Drsticky
I personally believe that it is the ultimate team game, and the reaction from his team mates is exactly what I'd expect.
Quote by __random_orbit__
Some of those straight men may have been fucked-up-the-arse by the female partners immediately before the show.
Not being gay myself, I think I would find that preferable to seeing Mamma Mia anyway.
Quote by BIoke
Some of those straight men may have been fucked-up-the-arse by the female partners immediately before the show.
Not being gay myself, I think I would find that preferable to seeing Mamma Mia anyway.
Quote by Witchy
If you unearth a scale, can you find out the answer to the following please? "In theory, should a woman married to a man who has watched the dvd at least 40 times be worried?"
Quote by Witchy
Phew- he can't stand football or rugby. He wouldn't have a clue who Gareth Thomas is.
However, he did go away for three nights and take seven pairs of shoes.
And...I recently found out that he watches Bridget Jones' diary not for Renee Zellweger, but for Colin Firth. :eeek:
Quote by BIoke
Phew- he can't stand football or rugby. He wouldn't have a clue who Gareth Thomas is.
However, he did go away for three nights and take seven pairs of shoes.
And...I recently found out that he watches Bridget Jones' diary not for Renee Zellweger, but for Colin Firth. :eeek: