think you sumed it up freckled
One of the reasons why we continue to swing is because it brings us closer together - physically and emotionally. Taking pleasure in your partner's pleasure, especially one as fundamental as sex, is a good binding influence.
If it was driving a wedge between us I'm sure both of us would stop. Not saying that this is the case for you but being closer together is one that might work for you.
The other reason is that there is a bluddy good social life associated with swinging and you can get off on just that side of it if you want.
Good luck and hope you sort things out.
Because you enjoy it? That's got to surely be the bottom line I would've thought...
If you no longer enjoy it, why do it?
Thanx for everyones feedback, i guess winchwench explained quite well what i meant. Feeling hollow and disillusioned with swinging after having sex with others. This could come from the fact that there may not have been enough of a connection in the fist place. With the result that sex is not that enjoyable and satisfying as i had hoped for (no orgasm). This is not necessary the males fault. I think taking things at a slower pace is the way forward for us and trying to relax more, which as a few of you said, can be difficult at a club.
Again thanx for reading and feedback
when you become unsure about swinging its time to stop, even if its just for a while, you can always get back into it when you feel more sure about why your doing it
Maybe the way your swinging is not for you, ie clubs.
Maybe you'd prefer to get to know potential meets a little better before having the actual meet's.
Being in a couple can be hard work if you don't both feel that your getting out of swinging what you would like to.
Your in a partnership, so swinging must be made a partnership too.
I think you might benefit from deciding what you want and how you want to do it and discuss it together.
Good luck
louise xx
We like to fantasise about swinging, it's horny fun for us.
Haven't actually been to a club or had a meet yet....still plucking up the courage. We enjoy putting on shows in the chatroom though.
Might have to take a trip to Amsterdam to break our cherry!!
The post from Pink has really helped me to clarify things. Both of us like the excitement of swinging. I guess i have not yet found the right man who i have truly clicked with. I have been attracted to all of the men i swung with but maybe that is not enough?? The other thing is as you said, finding the right couple is a lot harder than both of us had imagnined. And i guess at times either of us has gone along with it and thats where the problem seems to lie for me. Men seem to be happier with just a shag. For me there has to be more. I want to feel at least special in that one moment, feel wanted and not be just a notch on the bed post so to speak. We will not give up just yet, just take things at a slower pace and maybe even meet couples outside of clubs.
Pheline xx