I was just seeking a bit of release/moral support I guess...
Why was it deleted? I'm a bit shocked? I've had a number of supportive PM's and just can't fathom it out.

Quote by PoppyMac
I posted earlier about a situation I found myself in with a nameless member who could not be identified from what I had disclosed.
I was just seeking a bit of release/moral support I guess...
Why was it deleted? I'm a bit shocked? I've had a number of supportive PM's and just can't fathom it out.
Sorry but I don't think the Mods are arbitarily locking posts.
I can only guess but Uk in your case I would guess that it was because you are discussing the merits of charging for the service on a FREE site.
Swingingheaven is I would say THE BEST, THE LARGEST free swingers resource currently around. Mark, the owner (aka the black Darlek) has worked his butt off to provide us with this fabulous site FREE and everyone has an option there are a lot of very inferior pay sites out there they can migrate too if they so wish but the huge majority of us Like this site and support it any way we can. I don't know of any free site where the regulars try to help the MOds as much as they do on this site.
In Poppys case I have not got a clue why it was locked other than recently there has been a spate of one sided personal tales.
As far as sending emails to every person who's threads are locked - please get real. These boards have hundreds of topics per week. The Mods have to read every ad to make sure it conforms to the AUP read every posting to make sure there is no unregistered emails or phone numbers, cam ads being placed in the wrong area, etc and now you want to add further burden to their workload.
What do you think a MOD is? They may appear superhuman but basically they are a very hardworking bunch of people who give their time and energy to maintain this site as well as they do.
They are also swingers who would like to play as well - How they manage this at the same time as as banning the twats, bollocking the berks, winding up the trolls (before nuking thier arses) Shit I reckon they are Super Men and Women. Ohhhh and they do have real lifes too.
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Why has my post/thread been locked/deleted!?
Firstly, please carefully read our Forum Posting Guidelines to gain some insight as to why this may have happened. Also, refamiliarize yourself with the forum registration terms you agreed to, paying particular attention to this section: You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.
Usually when a post is locked the reason is given by the Moderator who locked it. If your post/thread was deleted then it was most likely considered so pointless or such an infringement of the AUP that it should no longer remain on the site.
The possible reasons your post/thread was locked or deleted are too numerous to mention here, so we simply ask you to accept the decision and move on. What we certainly do NOT want to see is yet another post asking why your previous one was locked or deleted.
If you think your rights as a forum member have been abused and you want to have the matter looked into, please see our abuse page and send us as much information as possible, including your forum username and the link to, or content of, the post in question.
Quote by Jags
Currently we are all struggling with determined attempts by various pay-for-sex sites to swamp the photo ads systems, men who are posting to set their wives, men who are posting pics of their ex-girlfriends wanting revenge, people pretending to be women but really just other websites/men and or professional sex workers. And then we come on to read threads like 'front door or back door'. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Rainbows
Currently we are all struggling with determined attempts by various pay-for-sex sites to swamp the photo ads systems, men who are posting to set their wives, men who are posting pics of their ex-girlfriends wanting revenge, people pretending to be women but really just other websites/men and or professional sex workers. And then we come on to read threads like 'front door or back door'. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by Sexysteph
It is in my personal opinion that the incident you mention although outrageous and I am sorry it happened to you was NOTHING about SWINGING.
The Cafe
General discussion and chit-chat. Post anything here that is NOT a Meet Up or about Dogging. Use the sections below for those
Quote by marktheminx
I agree with everything thats been said, i too have had posts locked with no apparent reason behind it, my locked post has been read by 104 people, so the heading must have stimulated some interest. I agree that the mods are there to keep things cool, but under the terms of the content of "The Cafe" it's just a place to chat, and expand ideas and friendships, come on guys, lifes hard enough as it is, at least give us a reason, most of the time we're just looking for some light hearted fun or banter, and there are some great threads that have really made me chuckle, it's a great site, and hats off to everyone who makes it so, but be careful not to alienate as well![]()
Some of my posts may seem boring or wierd to some, but then vice-versa i dont read all of the posts myself!!!!!!! :shock:
Quote by alspals
People involved in this alt lifestyle tend to be more liberated, open minded and hopefully more understanding than your average person and probably deserve at least a fair hearing of what ever they want to get off their chest at a particular time. It's a shame that people are now shallow breathing, worrying about what they're going to post and the negative reaction it might receive.