After spending countless hours in the chat room, and now ive finally discovered how it works in the forum, im curious to know how some people come up with the name that use on the site. My other half had hell1970, as he has been called hell for years as a nick name and 1970 as the year he was born, and i went for heaven1970 as heaven is(or should be) the opppsite of hell, and seeing as thats more or less jus what i am it made sense, we jus kept the year the same to hopefully show people we are the same couple.
How ever, how did u come up with ur name?, is there any reason behind it?, or something that u jus liked?, there are some great ones out there, and jus wanted to know how or what made u decide to have the name that u are using...
From memory when i first joined the site I tried variations of buxom this & buxom that but a few were already taken...I ended up with buxomgoddess but have changed that recently as I didn't like the goddess bit... felt like i was being bigheaded lol.. I'm no goddess
The buxom bit is coz I obviously ain't twiggy..I'm known as Buxie anyway to my friends.
Nothing exciting... I'm just a big lass so buxom suits
But hey...theres some brilliant usernames on here i've seen
Not sure how to put the link up Heaven1970 but the Bonedigger's had a simular thread titled .
"How did you get your user ID"
Theres about 4 pages of it.
Well, when we first joined you could change ur nick easily, so for a joke( as everyone used to moan about the poor single guys )i started using welikesinglemen. After a while it stuck and even tho i wish i had picked something clever or pretty at least it does what it says on the tin lol.
I had another name until recently bicuriousuncut but countless people spelt it wrong called me biscuit or bi-c**t and as i only consider meself slightly bi it gave off the wrong impression. So after numerous humming and haa-ing I went with 1luvlyguy having canvessed a few kind peeps on the site for suggestions.
It's less in your face and more mellow I feel, as still new to this and a bit shy so don't want to give anyone the wrong impression that i'm some kind of stud!
My nickname is from the football team i follow..
i came up with the name about 5am after a long crappy nite at work..
and yes i know i spelt it wrong,but at that time in the morning.i didnt really care about the spelling..
until a lovely lady yanked me about the spelling of my nickname,as she aptly pointed out to me that time in the morning is my evening..
so well the spelling mistake was spotted and i could have changed it,i thought stuff it and left it as it is today....
Once upon a time in a universe far far away --- I was Honest John and as that was taken, the year of my birth 1947
And the next site I joined it got shortened to hj47
And now I'm gone 60, I'd love to drop the '47 but someone else already has "hj" ( though they haven't been on here for 422 weeks )
***** Update ****** well you started me off Heaven and I was able to change, dropping the '47
think i told you why i got named furby ... but il tell you again... bout 8yrs ago, macdonalds were giving out furbys with happy meals, but the very very first batch were faulty... they spoke without batteries.. and when they did they swore and were annoying.. and parents complained about them.. when they were on the news, in my area.. my mates said thats just like you.. your a furby..!!! you never shut up.. you annoy the shit outta us.. and you have massive blue eyes!!! and it just sorta stuck..... i have been called furby ever since.. i very rarely answer to my real name... so thats how i used it on here.. cos if i was called anything else id never answer!!!!!
furby out xxxxx
............. bedroom antics (loooooooooong story) :twisted: