A puzzling thinig that i often wonder about. Ok not that much but its one of those questions isn't it. If the seas and oceans are fed by natural spring water and rain water etc that isn't salty how does it turn salty in the sea??
And where do those natural springs come from? people always say from that hole there but there must be a source somewhere deep underground and where edoes that come from? Ok i'm confusing myself now i think i'lls top.
As fresh water runs down into the sea it picks up the salts and minerals from the earth.
can't answer the second part ...
first answer seems alright i guess.
But the second if you keep addign fresh water to salty water you dilute teh salty water so you'd end up with the water being hardly any salt in it at all.
Where did teh salt originate from then? lol
It's because salt doesn't evaporate with the sea water. So as water evaportates the salininity (I just made up that word but it sounds like it might be a real one) of the sea water actually increases. Then fresh water falls as rain and replaces the evaporated water so the salininity (I like that word) returns to normal again.
Natural springs come from rainwater on high ground that has made its way through porous rock; that with holes in, and then collects on top of rock that is non porous; like granite. The water collects within the porous rock untill it becomes saturated then it begins to flow out in natural springs.
Mrs RSAB2 xxx :angel: