Not going to go into histrionics but:
My wife has now (after being cool) begun to pick back up on my innuendo, we have begun to re-establish, sensibly, the 'couples thang' thread when we are in our funsexy chat..
Always in a playful manner, obviously.
I am not heavy handed and do not push the subject (slowly, slowly, catch ...), which she has always responded too (wonderfully!).
She is now, every so often, mentioning the word 'couple/s' with a knowing flash and a smile in her eye when referring to certain items/situations etc when we chat about things, 'couple of iPhone cases instead of an iPhone..', 'couple of drinks instead of a drink..' etc.
She smiles when the word 'cocktail' is mentioned (her holiday monicker is the 'cocktail queen'.. as she likes them.. boys and girls..and the cocktails..).
I would be interested in hearing (and sharing) your thoughts regarding the signals she is radiating? Obviously I have my own truth but am interested in yours.
I know I can just blurt out "lets visit couples bar/club.." although i would rather be a tad more circumspect and insightful.
Jerry Mguire.