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Wigan Munch what a night

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Forum Virgin
just like to say thanks to every one we met at the party as this was our 1st one we ve attended.
wasnt really sure what to expect but every one were really nice and made us feel welcome
we will be there again without a second though so keep up the hard work every one and thanks again for giving people like us a chance to meet and chat to new people cheers stesaz xx lol
Thank you's are normally done in The Cafe but I am sure a nice Mod will move this for you smile
a big thankyou to nwc and all who helped organise the evening it was a great night you guys did a sterling job :P :P we had a great time , and met some lovely people as well we look forward to the next one wink :wink:
rick and jools xx
I'll post a proper thanks in a min when I've had a coffee as we have had a busy but wonderfull morning. But untill I do and as no one else has done so yet, I'll open a thread so ya can say thanks to all involved with the wigan munch biggrin
Quote by sheddy
I'll post a proper thanks in a min when I've had a coffee as we have had a busy but wonderfull morning. But untill I do and as no one else has done so yet, I'll open a thread so ya can say thanks to all involved with the wigan munch biggrin

err sheddy innocent
Quote by felixx1416
I'll post a proper thanks in a min when I've had a coffee as we have had a busy but wonderfull morning. But untill I do and as no one else has done so yet, I'll open a thread so ya can say thanks to all involved with the wigan munch biggrin

err sheddy innocent
lol bollox redface
MODs please lock, delete, merge, burn or even simply laugh at me at your will :lol:
Sex God
Quote by Shireen
Thank you's are normally done in The Cafe but I am sure a nice Mod will move this for you smile

Topic merged and moved all at once!
Sex God
What a night lol
First of all a million and one thanks to my hosts for the weekend..............It was fantastic to have such a lovely place to stay with such good company...... :thumbup:
A million and one thanks to NWC for organising another brilliant night out kiss
Many thanks to all the lovely ladies who forced themselves upon me as well :rascal:
As with many others I wont mention specific names as I am bound to forget someone and I dont wish to offend anyone by forgetting them redface
A final thankyou to one special person who made it a night to remember :kiss:
thanks to NWC for once again arranging a great night.......and a big thank you to all those who made it a fantastic night .
i think im gonna go to sleep now................
Master of Sex
big thank you to NWC and everyone else involved in arranging and running last night.
As always great to see old friends and also great to see so many new people who will hopefully soon become old friends as well.
I would like to say a BIG thank you to NWC ( kiss) for another great night.
It makes all the snipes and worries disappear into oblivion. (you know what I mean).
Thanks to Ginger-Jo and Lee for the ? entertainment. (a smashin lady) xxx
And to all the Munchers for being there and making it to be another evening to remember.
Names I can never remember wink
To the Lady from Wakefield thanks for your ears yet again xxxx PM me.
Great Night, Great Venue, Great Beer and above all = Great People.
ps for Sheddy + Yes mate you where Pissed :lol2:
Thank you NWC for organising a brilliant evening.
To all the folks i spoke to it was good to meet you all ,some of you again.
To those i didn't manage to get round to see you next time.
gotta add our own thanx and congrats to NWC and ginger-jo for a fab night
worship :worship:
it was a great party - we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves guessing who was who and mostly getting it wrong poke
great company and a great atmosphere
:thrilled: :thrilled:
- is it too early to put our names down for next years event?
drinkies :drinkies: :cheers:
PS - really enjoyed the "couple" engaging in sum extras at the door as we were leaving pmsl - blast :blast: :censored: :shock: :eeek:
Quote by Laff_n_Chilli
PS - really enjoyed the "couple" engaging in sum extras at the door as we were leaving pmsl - blast :blast: :censored: :shock: :eeek:

Which is strictly against munch rules rolleyes They should have known better :roll:
Quote by varca
Thanks too to Deecee for letting me have his spare room and for his generous hospitality. On another thread Rolo said she didn't get to sleep til 6am cos of your snoring... hmmm is that what they call it these days?? rotflmao
Hope to see you all again soon biggrin

it was and we both know it...................
snoring...... since when has mmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaa mmmmmmmmmm oooooooooooo sounded like zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
A great night once again a great big thanks to nwc and jo and was great to see old faces again and new ones hope u all have agreat xmas and happy new carnt wait till the next one . lol
What a night !
A very big “ THANK YOU “ to nwc for arranging a fantastic munch
Was nice to see and chat to old friends
Funniest part of the night ! dammie stalking round trying to see what mischief he could get up to rolleyes lol
Special thank you to my date for the night “ lilacgem” you looked stunning hun thanx for putting up with me :inlove: :rose:
just like to say a huge huge thankyou to NWC and gingerjo for a lovely night.
to all the women I snogged- thankyou... wow !
to my flirt partner- I won't tell everyone that I made you speechless, it will ruin your reputation.
to my hosts. thankyou - mad people.
to the wonderful example of why swingers have such a bad reputation:- the lovely people who were indulging their interests outside the main door of the venue right beside a main road. well done !
to the lovely lovely people that I met for the first time and those I was meeting again you are brilliant.
also an apology to the lovely lady who is most definately straight..... I am sorry for harrassing you all really are gorgeous and sexy and I am sorry for being a pest. redface
just a big thank you for a great night
my first one, oh n will remember to book a room next time, so i can enjoy a relaxing drink or two!!
was great to put faces to names, met some great people - even people i used to work with !!! lol
Thanks again NWC and all the helpers!
looking forward to the next one already
Quote by splendid33
to my flirt partner- I won't tell everyone that I made you speechless, it will ruin your reputation.

lol :lol: One person I'd never thought I'd see embarrased and lost for words that's for sure wink But you do make a really great "blokey" splendid :lol: :lol:
Thankyou NWC and Gingerjo and everyone else who worked behind the scenes to make it a brilliant munch. We had another great night even if we were a little later than originally planned which had absolutely nothing to do with me attempting to use an expired card earlier in the day redface surprisedops:
Thank you to everyone for the snogs, conversations and dances. Was lovely to see you all.
To Dammie, thank you for the loan of your shirt :wink: :lol:
To the new faces i got a chance to say hello to, hope to see you again and to those I didn't, well I'll just have to try harder to get around everyone next time. It was lovely to see so many new faces and I hope you'll be at other munches in the future.
Quote by celestria
But you do make a really great "blokey" splendid lol :lol:

ummmm celery:- ... the snack you can eat all day without putting on weight...
Warming the Bed
Just to echo everyone elses cpmmments cheers again for organising it all. Being an owner of another website where organising events is involved I know how much hard work it can be to get this sort of thing organised. Thanks again for all the time and effort put in.
As it was my first munch it was really good to meet the people I chat to almost everyday in the rooms.
In my drunken haste of leaving I forgot to return my badge smile If you would like it back for future use please drop us a PM and I will gladly return it.
Na it was shite don't think I'll bother again rolleyes

only joking it was quite possbly the best one we've been to. Got round loads of people, spilt my quota of drink on people as per usual, stayed sober(ish) untill the near end (well In my head I was), I was groped, I was kissed, I was bloody happy biggrin
Thanks to those that came and spoke to me. Thanks to NWC & Gingerjo for the night.
A huge thanks to those that stopped over and those that called for a brief drink this morning.
One last extra special thanks to PK for having the best legs I've ever seen lol and more so for cooking us all a lovely dinner last night, providing the comedy value and for running me all the way back to wigan today to pick me motor up kiss
and beleave it or not for once there was no nudity on our part :shock: :shock: :shock:

well apart from when the blonde one went sleep walking in her underwear forgetting we had guests and quite probablly scared em for life :roll:
hi there
a big thanks to NWC once again
what can i say the munchies are getting bigger and better everytime you do 1 smile
love ya NWC and can i please please help on the next wigan munch
thanks for everyone who came
thanks jo and lee xxxx
thanks to NWC for a fantastic night, great to meet loads of new people and see good friends too.
thanks to my hosts, you two are fantastic kiss
FB and mr FB for getting Will_32 there and making my night
see you all at the next one
Earthy and Will_32 xxx
Quote by thisispoo
the red stockings were out again and they have now gone into retierment some will be glad to hear,
mr and mrs poo xxxxx

:cry: Now I am feeling cheated :cry:
You knew that I had worshiped and :love: them for a long time from the other side of the river.
Ah well = I live and learn that life is not all red roses.
Phredd :- wave from the other side. xx
Forum Virgin
sorry i put the ad in the wrong place but we didnt get home til and kids kindly got us up at 7 sure it had nothing to do with the beer lol
Sex God
NWC and team thanks for a wonderful night.
Great to see so many people~~~~
To Dawnie and Ian thanks for the lifts kiss
To PK and Sheddy for your most thoughtful kindness, I am truely touched. :kiss:
To Anais for my present again thanks for your thoughtfulness, it will be treasured. :kiss:
Good to see Frogster after soooooooo long.
Hi all, this was my first munch and what a brilliant night it was! :bounce:
I was nervous at first, but you are all so friendly and so easy to talk to, it was an absolute pleasure.
Thanks to the organisers and the DJ, and roll on the next one! lol