Not long ago having children out of wedlock was deemed a brandable offense,now some 40 years on single mums,non married family's etc are quite socially acceptable.
I was wondering if swinging will ever become an every day occurrence,if so would you be happy about that or is it being a subculture all part of the thrill and something that should remain behind closed doors..?
it depends on your social circle.
In mine everyone knows that I swing and it has been used for many an interesting conversation about things I wouldn't ordinarily discuss with people I was only acquainted with.
Everyone that I socialise with, however briefly, knows that we 'swing' as mine and worlass can be seen flirting where ever we find someone interesting. My father and his (rather staid) wife know.
So, I would say that 'we' are the only people that can make it socially acceptable.
In our lifetime - probably not - but as social taboos and limitations are broken down over the years it will become a norm within the next century or two most probably - the youth of today are much more open minded about sex than our generation.
If you look retrospectively at the social taboos you will see free love in many guises in the 20's 30's and even in Victorian times (although behind closed doors) - I think it is emerging slowly as acceptable - would swinging be a term used on network television if it wasn't in emergence? I see many TV programmes about swinging pop up and so I think its well on its way to becoming acceptable as a choice of lifestyle.... :P
yes...I think it will. As quite rightly said...single parents used to be looked down relationships were deemed morally corrupt....stocking and suspenders were said to be kinky !!!
All common place and accepted now. However the onus on fast swinging becomes acceptable is on us all. If we hide away, and don't tell people, then it will take time to come out of the closet. If we are more open, then, maybe more and others will be willing to be the same.
Just do a search of 3 miles from your postcode on here, and you may be surprised at how many others are local. Was over 2000 other profiles for me.
We are not alone !!!!
I suspect that society will ebb and flow in terms of prudery and permissiveness as it always has.
Its pretty difficult to ignore the values of opinions of the majority. I think doing so is one of the key routes to happiness.
I agree with splendid in that it depends on social circles.....
We used to be in the army and many of our old army friends know what we do and are very accepting and some are quite intrigued .... whereas I know that most of our friends outside of that environment would be horrified at the thought!!
I think it has a lot to do with culture. Britain is very prudish compaired to other cultures. In some places in Europe for example, families attend swimming pools in which everyone is naked .... they are brought up being open and comfortable about being naked in front of strangers as it is part of their culture, it is the norm. Sex is openly discussed from an early age and so people are not so shocked when sex is mentioned.
I also think that our media is unaccepting of anyone who pushes the boundaries ..... I remember watching an episode of Jeremy Kyle (not that I watch him a lot .... the bloke does my head in) a couple of swingers were on along with some friends of theirs who didnt agree with what they do .... I bet you can guess who's side Mr Kyle was on!!!
Mrs Fun xx
I agree with splendid and brucie in the common/acceptable debate so far.
I dont have that problem as have no friens.
I'm a bit of a cu...
well swinging ever become socially acceptable... not when people who write for the masses do something like this...
not that I read the rag (leave that to other people) it does though bring up the point that if people are going write in this fashion, then it has no chance,
well said splendid---sad and true.
Fab thank you for the heads up on the disgusting foul hate filled filth in the daily scum. The old "public interest" excuse again i see.
I reckon its nice that swinging is a bit . OK its crap if or when someone is outed and there's abuse thats the bad bit. Otherwise I like the secrecy and naughtiness it adds to my pleasure us having a guily secret.