i have my settings set so i don't recieve them they get a mesage sent straight back to them saying to take the time to send me a message about them selves then i will take the time to respond
although i think that unless your a paying member or old free member they are the only way they can make contact but still kinda pointless
I always delete them without responding - unless they're from a friend just sent to wind me up :giggle:
I don't no effort = no response
I just think they're quite funny when you get them from people you already know. I would never use a wink to try and get off with a stranger though. I would use my patented secret dance manouvers for that...
On the other hand they are the ONLY way a new "Free" member can communicate with you -- and its then up to you to persuade aforsaid member to part with at least a months membership. So come on ladies -- all winks gratefully received !!!
I use winks sometimes, I know people don't like them, I don't mean them to be a message as such, I'm just "bookmarking" a profile with a view to perhaps sending a more detailed message later.. Perhaps others do the same and perhaps there should be one that says "I'm just bookmarking your profile, might message you soon." I reply to winks usually..that's probably because no one ever writes to me . . javascript:%20add_code(':yinyang:');
Are they? Where did you get that little snippet from?