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winks and profiles

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Ok, I don't really mind getting winks but if the wink says that you like my profile and to have a look at yours, please at least have something interesting in there.
Would it really kill people to spend a couple of minutes to fill in their age, height, location and likes?
Not looking for an essay either, just a few lines about what turns you on.
I respond to interesting profiles, not always to say yes, but at least to try and turn down gracefully.
OK, got that of my chest now lol
If they annoy you turn them off, in my settings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
In the mail features part at the bottom there is an option to set an auot responder so as when someone winks you wink they get an automated message back telling them you prefer the more personal aproach biggrin :wink:
It's not that I mind the winks, just find it strange being directed to look at an almost non-existant profile
Warming the Bed
I know what you mean. Hey liked your profile why don't you drop by and check mine out.
So OK you do and its completely blank and full of question marks with no pictures at all.
I mean who do they think is going to be interested in that?
We had one the other day which was exactly the same so we sent back a message (to be polite) telling them that sorry but we weren't interested. Big mistake! That was it he was like a dog on heat after sending him our third message which at this point said "Take the hint" he messaged us back calling us a "Wanker" lol. Well i say he, it said couple on the profile but with a response like that i imagine it was the testosterone driven half. All this person could go on about was web cam webcam.
No thank you.
Oh good, so it's not just me that finds this irritating...
Warming the Bed
I'm sure there are guys out there scanning the ads and sending these bl**dy winks to each and every ad that catches their eye. No doubt they then have the illusion that cos the little bit of profile they have filled in says "horny guy with big cock" he is giong to get himself invited to a shag.
By the way I'm very suprised no one has stepped in to say what a lovely chest you have to get something off. sillyhwoar:
Winks are so annoying !
We did used to check out the profiles of the winkers but for a while now because of all the empty profiles we just delete any message wink we get and never look and thats from singles and couples..
Tony wink
So i wonder why people do send loads of winks. Any winkers out there want to tell their side of the story?
Don't send them becaus i've read enough to know they were a menace early on. Don't get any either, but if i ever do i think you can turn em off.
name and shame thats what you should do! wink
Quote by Runrig
name and shame thats what you should do! wink

No you bloody wont! not on this site! mad
Winks do annoy me! I don't get them anymore and they get an auto response. Have still had people send me mail, though, that basically just says the same as a wink, or just says, 'I'm not far from you, fancy meeting up?' That annoys me anyway, but when there's then absolutely nothing in their profile it does make it even worse!
Quote by angieyorkshire
It's not that I mind the winks, just find it strange being directed to look at an almost non-existant profile

I agree with Angie, I don't mind the winks if there is a completed profile to go & look at.
On the flip side of the coin, I have spoken to people who have sent me winks & they say that after sending a pm with a description & little bit about themselves they often dont get any reply or are told dont copy & paste!
IMO judging people by them sending a wink is like classing all the small minded singles in the same cataogory, which we all know isnt the same thing at all
Forum Virgin
being a new user of the site i just assumed that the wink was the polite but slightly cowardly way of making contact. just goes to show everyone has different feelings! so haveing read all your comments i/we will try and think of a few new lines lol Jo x
Hi jo_and_huw :welcome:
I think it is a polite in a slightly cowardly way of letting someone know that you are interested in them.
Hope you have fun biggrin
Quote by jo_and_huw
being a new user of the site i just assumed that the wink was the polite but slightly cowardly way of making contact. just goes to show everyone has different feelings! so haveing read all your comments i/we will try and think of a few new lines lol Jo x

Hi and :welcome: jo_and_huw
I think that was the intention but lots of people went crazy with them.
Quote by lilacgem
Hi jo_and_huw :welcome:
I think it is a polite in a slightly cowardly way of letting someone know that you are interested in them.
Hope you have fun biggrin

You have a wink
:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
In edit - redface _ I've just remembered. I trimmed my profile the other day surprisedops:
Forum Virgin
Quote by angieyorkshire
So i wonder why people do send loads of winks. Any winkers out there want to tell their side of the story?

I have sent winks, but it depends on the profile - your profile would get an animated response becuase there is something to go on, a photo, a video, two ads and some blurb. I can engage but there are too many profiles saying either nothing or a one liner about needing good hard sex (hmmm maybe in a glass house there must edit). So winking is for people who haven't made the effort in the first place or give me nothing to go on. I think I have winked twice in total.
Quote by jo_and_huw
being a new user of the site i just assumed that the wink was the polite but slightly cowardly way of making contact. just goes to show everyone has different feelings! so haveing read all your comments i/we will try and think of a few new lines lol Jo x

Hi jo_and_huw cool
I too didn't realise it wasn't liked by so many people when I first joined the site, but I do try to bear in mind that some people are new and just see it as an option there to be used without realising it may draw a blank!
Doesn't bother me anyway... the chatroom however...(only joking!).
Quote by dambuster
Hi jo_and_huw :welcome:
I think it is a polite in a slightly cowardly way of letting someone know that you are interested in them.
Hope you have fun biggrin

You have a wink
Well . . . . .
as someone that hasn't "swung" (3/moresomes) since last September
I think if I left the lifestyle completely, I'd probably miss the social aspect of it more than the physical sex.
When I was swinging as a swingle, I actually used to avoid vanilla dating/shagging, so I suppose if I were to be single again, I would do the same again and only enter into a "relationship" with another swinger.

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
In edit - redface _ I've just remembered. I trimmed my profile the other day surprisedops:
Master of Sex
Quote by angieyorkshire
Ok, I don't really mind getting winks but if the wink says that you like my profile and to have a look at yours, please at least have something interesting in there.
Would it really kill people to spend a couple of minutes to fill in their age, height, location and likes?
Not looking for an essay either, just a few lines about what turns you on.
I respond to interesting profiles, not always to say yes, but at least to try and turn down gracefully.
OK, got that of my chest now lol

And what a lovely chest it is too babes... :twisted:
We sent a few winks during our first few days on S H. We just saw it as a way to introduce ourselves to a number of people, a kind of ice breaker we thought.
Now we realize just how unpopular they seem to be with so many people, it seems we might have been creating ice rather than breaking it. lol
Apologies to anyone we might have annoyed in this way, even though we do have a reasonably full profile.
The only thing that bothered us particularly was the number of single males chancing their arm, when we plainly arn't looking for them. Now we have chosen the option not to receive mail from them. However, looking back over some of the profiles that we responded to, we have made a few similar mistakes. We're all human I guess!
Quote by foxyandbeasty
And what a lovely chest it is too babes... :twisted:

Well, after looking at your profile and checking out your pictures, I am flattered you think so....... Consider yourself winked!
I use to be a winker, but Im alright now
Sex God
so winks are still annoying then :twisted: rolleyes
I have just joined the site and I think winks are okay as a means of establishing quick contact with someone you are interested in. I agree that it is pointless if you have little or nothing in your profile to say something about yourself, but if you do and the winkee (i.e the person receiving the wink) likes the profile of the winker, then it could be the start of something interesting so why not just enjoy it for what it is meant to be.
Quote by Maneveryday
I have just joined the site and I think winks are okay as a means of establishing quick contact with someone you are interested in. I agree that it is pointless if you have little or nothing in your profile to say something about yourself, but if you do and the winkee (i.e the person receiving the wink) likes the profile of the winker, then it could be the start of something interesting so why not just enjoy it for what it is meant to be.

Hiya wave
Welcome to the site.
I can see where you may find it useful in that respect, but what you've got to bear in mind is that the "Quick shag brigade" come on here and the first thing they do is spam wink all the females on the site.
When you have dozens of these useless messages from guys with nothing in their profile it starts to get annoying.
What you need to be aware of is that because a lot of people complained about the crap wink messages the admin introduced the "Auto responder". It automatically deletes the wink messages and sends a one liner back to the user - so a lot of the winks you send probably never even reach the recipient.
Sex God
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
I have just joined the site and I think winks are okay as a means of establishing quick contact with someone you are interested in. I agree that it is pointless if you have little or nothing in your profile to say something about yourself, but if you do and the winkee (i.e the person receiving the wink) likes the profile of the winker, then it could be the start of something interesting so why not just enjoy it for what it is meant to be.

Hiya wave
Welcome to the site.
I can see where you may find it useful in that respect, but what you've got to bear in mind is that the "Quick shag brigade" come on here and the first thing they do is spam wink all the females on the site.
When you have dozens of these useless messages from guys with nothing in their profile it starts to get annoying.
What you need to be aware of is that because a lot of people complained about the crap wink messages the admin introduced the "Auto responder". It automatically deletes the wink messages and sends a one liner back to the user - so a lot of the winks you send probably never even reach the recipient.
doh rolleyes
Quote by angieyorkshire
I respond to interesting profiles, not always to say yes, but at least to try and turn down gracefully.

Please can you turn me down gracefully biggrin
Quote by keeno

I respond to interesting profiles, not always to say yes, but at least to try and turn down gracefully.

Please can you turn me down gracefully biggrin
Ok Keeno, I'm sorry, but you are too far away from me, but thanks for the interest