It is well established that men think about sex every few seconds, and women apparently it takes them slightly longer.
So at Swinging Heaven we will perform our own very floored scientific experiment, by simply asking the female members:
1. How often do you think about sex?
2. What triggers a sexual thought?
3. What does your sexual thought consist of, straight sex, a simple kiss...?
Please help shed light on the mysteries of the Female Sexuality so us mere mortal men
may learn more about your species.
This invaluable information will be passed on to the M.C.P. charity (Man Can't Pull) which helps those afflicted men overcome their incapability of pulling.
Donations in the form of sexual favours would be most welcome, in return you will recieve a small but meaningful sticker, a simple sign of our gratitude for your contribution towards science.
M.C.P. is not a registered charity