"I've done it again"
"Done what?"
" Locked the carkeys in the car in Tescos carpark. Haven't got any dinner for you! Had to get a taxi back and it cost six quid too!"
" Oh tried those - they didn't work - I'll have to have a word with the key cutter when I go into town again!"
<< Mrs TE again >>> , " Why don't we go out for a meal then?"
" OK but you're driving"
So, off for a curry we toddle. On the way back I start to think of her car isolated in the carpark at the mercy of all and sundry - don't like it.
" We're gonna have to go and rescue that car of yours now - can't wait 'till tomorrow"
Screwdriver, wedge, and stiff wire coathanger in hand we set off. I spend the whole journey unwinding the coathanger so I have a chance of working it through the rubber on the prized open door when we get there.
When we arrive I say " Err, why don't I try that key again - just in case."
" Won't work - I told you."
Press key in - turn - unlock door. Laugh and cry all at once.
Boy did we have some fun when we got home. Being a 'hero' is something I could really get used to!
Women - don'tcha just love 'em?