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Women's Safety - Paramount Importance

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As I was browsing at the products whilst waiting in Boots today to collect my prescription , I noticed something that would be of interest to the safety of women.
I'm sure everyone has read about the " " drug rohypnol and other generic drugs that produce the safe effect.
In Boots they sold a product called "Drink Detective" which can detect the presence of the above drugs. I personally thought it was a great idea.
Us women can never be too careful.
Take care all xxxxx
Men and women I think in this day and age Alex but really useful idea you know especially if you are in a bar etc where loads of people you dont know. Useful idea to think of for my kids as well so will definately look out for it smile :)
Definetly something people need to be aware of there was a documentary on the other week on channel four, over the counter anit histamines for hay fever and allergies can also produce the same effects. I wonder if it also picks up on that too?
I also read at the weekend i think it was, about 'wet' cigarettes, which are soaked/laced with embalming fluid or cleaning products, which when smoked, can knock u out or make u so incapacitated (big word lol ) that u have no idea what u are doing. Just a warning to watch yr drinks AND who u except a cigarette from too. There are also beer mats that can tell if your drinks have been spiked.
well down here now you can buy for a few pence a plug for your bottle or a cover for your glass. Useful idea I thought ...thou sad that we need to do this !!
yeah read about the cigarette thing too, scary stuff!!
Ive worked in a night club for 2 years on and off and seen it happen, its also happened to me and it wasn't nice although i was with friends to take care of me.
Its a scary thing we ran a campaign in the club advising women if they buy large drinks in glasses to keep hold of them, never let strange men buy or watch the drink whilst they went on the dance floor and if they did put it down and werent sure if it had been tampered with just to leave it.
My advice is to buy a bottle and keep hold of it with your thumb on the top.
Be careful.
This problem is not confined to the clubs,
Where i live we get a lot of tourists so in our local pubs loads of different poeple.
As we are all social we get chatting
Unfortunatly one of the girls that knows my sister got bought a few drinks
She was nearly kicked out the pub for being too drunk.
suddenly one of the strangers said he would walk her home
needless to say you ended up with 10 big burly scottish blokes realising what had happened, in a country and western styley the guy was escorted out the area and she was taken to hospital where they confirmed she has been drugged
I live in the countryside
well middle of no where to be precised. Always thought that sort of stuff was in the clubs in the cities etc
Looks like we should al be careful no matter what
Unfortunately they've recently been shown not to be terribly accurate sad One of the problems is that Rohypnol is a very rare drug of misuse here as it's not in common legal usage but most of the kits are American, where it's more common. Temazepam ('jellies') and gamma hydroxybutyrate (GBH) are far more prevalent in the UK.
Of course, the commonest drug used to produce a submissive state remains alcohol.
The facts on the spiking of drinks with the intention to are that men in gay bars and the like are as in much danger as women are...... :shock: , so certainly not just women should take care..... in fact, everyone should take care..... sad
I had a drink spiked once, well, I drank a drink that was spiked.... never will know if it was really meant for me, but hey ho...... nothing happened except I got ill and went home and talked shit for a couple of hours and then went to sleep :silly: ... well, apparently that's what I did cos I remember fuck all after arriving home til the following morning :shock: . For a full day after though I was like a zombie and even on the day after that I didn't feel right - kind of vacant, well, more so that usual rolleyes wink
So, goes to show what could have happened if no-one had been there to look after me, cos I don't remember a right lot...... scary thought :eeek:
Quote by bluexxx
The facts on the spiking of drinks with the intention to are that men in gay bars and the like are as in much danger as women are...... :shock: , so certainly not just women should take care..... in fact, everyone should take care..... sad

Sadly true, and not just in gay bars.
Drinking anything spiked is an extremely unpleasant and alarming experience.