Were all guilty of using tired old one liners and old phrases that have since been declared well and truly past it, some of us are also guilty of doing the same thing with phrases that havent yet been declared dead, but should be tossed into a box at the bottom of the ocean...Case and point
"Blatantly" "Blates" or "Blatant"
I'm not sure where this comes from but its disgusting. It sounds awful and when it comes from the mouth of someone who isnt just a poster boy for the chav generation its even worse. You used to be able to use these words (excluding "Blates") in everyday conversation and not seem like your waiting in line with a bottle of white lightning at asda, but sadly nowadays you cant.
"You're a Legend"
Elvis was a Legend. Maybe a few of the great pioneers who have given us things we now rely on could be also be called legends. Not the guy who’s just downed 17 pints of Stella and is now setting fire to his Reeboks.
"I'm such a keeno"
I remember when i finaly emegerged back into the nightlife hearing this phrase used everywhere and having no idea what it meant because it had appeared in my absense. It means what it sounds like, a "keeno" is someone who is keen....I've been hearing this more and more often, i'm worried it might just be the next "Blatently"
Can anyone else think of anything thay they have heard or they themselves said that they would like to see written on a piece of paper and tossed into the nearest fire?