hi all
i got a problem,,,, i love my job and the people i work with, few weeks ago a manager left and has approached me to go to work with him at a new company the moneys better the jobs has shorter hours there are more holidays and it a more senior post,
why havent i gone yet thats what your thinking well here are the reasons
i dont realy like the guy had a few rows with him, i realy realy love what im doing and who i do it for and with, when i told the company i am with they offered me more money and told me the next promotion is mine,
except now they tell me ive got to wait for a guy to leave (he's been there 15yrs) and i carnt have the pay rise till he goes.....
the job offer with the new compay still stands
over to you guys ....... should i stay or should i go ?????
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Stay - if you are earning enough and enjoy the job, why move? Especially with a promise of advancement in the future. Is the money that important that you would go and work with someone that you don't particularly get on with, just for more bangers and mash? I'd stay and stick with it - if they don't make with the promises when the time comes, then go - but you enjoy your job, and they have given no reason for you to leave
a big wadge of fivers is all well and good, but doing what you enjoy is worth something as well, bit of a job to hang a pound sign on, but I reckon it's worth more than cash. If what your doing now, supports you then I reckon you've got all you need, cos advancement up some org chart ain't worth shit if the only reward is a few quid and a bit of kudos.
Consider it this way ... that promise of a promotion and more dosh from your present company is just a verbal promise and words are cheap, nothing in writing, not enforceable and absolutely nothing to stop them changing their mind or not delivering ... therefor leave that very thin 'maybe' out of the equation.
No promotion, no payrise ... job you enjoy and people you like ... NOW, do you want to stay or leave?
Is your job a commodity job (I mean are there lots of people who can do what you do) or is it a speciality job (where they would have to look long and hard before finding another you)?
If it is a commodity, you have little to bargain with. If it is a speciality, you have a little more. In this case, you could go back to your management and ask them to consider how much it would cost to replace you, and suggest they bring the rise forward.
In my industry, we have a mix of commodities and specialists and, unfortunately for the commoditites, the specialists are on much better terms and conditions.
been there and done it...left on a lure of more money......but company i went to work for were a nightmare. Took me another two moves to get back to a job I enjoyed again. If you have enough money to be content...and your job is enjoyable ... then stick with the peice of mind you have. Also remember your current employer will look on you very favourably if they know you have chosen to stay despite the lure of money elsewhere.
Done it - didn't work.
Best thing you can do is find your true vocation and do that instead.