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Working Hard?

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I have just watched Secret Millionaire with Kevin Morley. Something he said at the beginning really infuriated me. He was talking about all that he has including his holiday island etc and he said " I have all this because I work hard for it" That got me thinking. When I worked fulltime for over 30 years I consider that I worked bloody hard. I often did 16 hour days preparing work etc as well as being a Mum and running a home. I rarely had a lunch HOUR but often stuffed food down while marking work, having meetings or setting up for the sfternoon. I was always at work at least an hour to 1 1/2 hours before school started and rarely left until at least 2 hours after it finished. That was of course unless I was going on a Twilight course. I had to learn new skills in my own time ( i.e. computing skills) and was expected to be all things to all children (and their parents), often teaching classes with huge numbers of children in them. For this my renumeration would never make me a millionaire or even a quarter millionaire. My pay was adequate and I'm not complaining about that. Just the sheer arrogance of this man who obviously chose the right job for financial rewards not because he worked any harder than the next person. Hopefully his weeks work amongst some of the poorest of the poor has taught him some humility. Proportionately I bet I still give more money to charity even now that I am retired on a small pension.
Do other people think they work any harder than the next?
I have worked extremely hard in previous years, worked through shingles twice, worked when my back gave me spasms every time I moved, worked during the day and then did 2 full nights as well each week etc
No great financial reward as such then, apart from the satisfaction of providing for my family.
Then I changed direction in my work life, right place, right time, sort of fell on my feet.
I now work when I want to, and have the best income I have ever had in my life. My work is still hard, I just do not have to do as much of it now!
I also never forget the old days, or the fact a lot are losing work all over the place, that could well be me one day, so I will watch out for that!!
We all have tales to tell on how hard we work, or have worked.
All these more well off guys who are self made, I have respect for them.
This chap will of worked hard for what he has, and fair play to him.
His arrogance, well thas another issue, as one said on a forum post once, "theres nowt so ugly as arrogance."
The guys who have money, who have made it the hard way, do not forget their roots and I am sure count their blessings daily.
My only little negative thing about this sort of programe is that they are drawing attention to the good deeds they do, in my little world that does not sit comfortable. do a good deed, yes, but why in such a public way?
Quote by Lucyandmike7
My only little negative thing about this sort of programe is that they are drawing attention to the good deeds they do, in my little world that does not sit comfortable. do a good deed, yes, but why in such a public way?

Because it makes great telly wink
I have found with these programs the millionaires are often filmed saying quite arrogant things at the begining, and I think it's because it's all the better for us viewers when they see just how hard some people have it.
All I have is work... I have worked long hours for many years. I'm sure I probably work harder than most and it is a welcome distraction from the loneliness.. I guess some people in life are just luckier than others..Some people are born lucky and some are not. I guess it’s the same on this site.. You can (like me) diligently write a decent and honest reply to an advert many times over and never get a reply.. Where as someone else can logon and get a response the same day.. My life has always fallen unfortunately into the first category. Work takes my mind off it, its something I'm good at... Mr Morley may be hard working but he is also very fortunate...Not all of us can be so lucky..