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Workplace bullying.....

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Sad to say bullying is common in a lot of work places these days. I dont know what the bullies get out of it making others suffer
just dont forget that its the bully that has the personality problem, not you. i know its easy to start thinking that you are the one that is a lesser person, you almost start believing the bullies bullshit if its thrown at you 5 days a week.
they are the insecure ones who want to get you down, you are a million times stronger than them and i wish you the best of luck with it. smile
Hi Again!
I thought I would just update you on my situation at work. As I suspected would happen, the whole subject has been sweeped under the carpet. They paid "lip service" to my complaint and have put it all down to me being tired and emotional because of the work load I'm carrying which they freely admit is actually enough work for two people!!
The only bright point of the whole day was I was offered an interview for a fantastic job which I applied for but didn't really think I would be seriously considered for. Couldn't have been better timed!
lets hope I get it because I really don't know how much longer I can survive my current position.
thanks for all your best wishes
I would still advise you to join a union relavant too your profession then have a word with them about the whole situation. They will advise you how to carry things further.
A good friend has recently lost her job from a well known train operating company's telesale centre, after being bullied by her team coach and performmance manager for years. Unfortunately she didn't involve the union until it was too late to save her job. Even though the HR representative at her disiplinnary meetings admitted that they hadn't followed company policy.
The Union is now taking legal action on her behalf.
Quote by Velvet Lips
Hi Again!
I thought I would just update you on my situation at work. As I suspected would happen, the whole subject has been sweeped under the carpet. They paid "lip service" to my complaint and have put it all down to me being tired and emotional because of the work load I'm carrying which they freely admit is actually enough work for two people!!
The only bright point of the whole day was I was offered an interview for a fantastic job which I applied for but didn't really think I would be seriously considered for. Couldn't have been better timed!
lets hope I get it because I really don't know how much longer I can survive my current position.
thanks for all your best wishes

Hey Velvet - what can i say ... i totally sympathise with you. I was in a similar position... the problem being that my Boss was not only a director but my brother! - I found this website very usefull for information, legal position etc. there is a plethora of help on there..... needless to say that there were further reaching concequenses to my personal situation... and i decided int he end to not go the legal route due to the family ties. - As it turned out another member of staff was trying to systamatically orchastrating my dismissal.(which i knew at the time but they were sleeping with my brother so he believed them).. from my family company?!?!?!.... as a result i was moved sideways into a sister company... this needless to say did not work out and i left after 3 months.... the said member of staff was later found out and left the company and i recieved a full appology from my brother and family..... however this did not help the depression, selfdoubt and hurt tht i felt at the time.
Have a look at the sight.... the unfortunate thing is that if you leave doing nothing this so called manager will be free to do it to someone else. He i a bully who by the sounds of it comes from th old school mentality of management. It sounds to me like he needs to go on an anger management int he workplace course..... or some sort of personal development.
All the advise you have been given is spot on and my heart goes out to you.
I think most people have experienced what you are going through and you have received a good deal of sympathy for this. If you now feel that the best way forward is to get out of the job then that will solve the problem.
If you have to stay for any length of time you may have to reasess your approach to this problem. This would mean taking the grievance procedure seriously and applying it as necessary. People have advised you on this.
UK law on harassment was improved last year. You might like to check


Quote by duncanlondon
I think most people have experienced what you are going through and you have received a good deal of sympathy for this. If you now feel that the best way forward is to get out of the job then that will solve the problem.
If you have to stay for any length of time you may have to reasess your approach to this problem. This would mean taking the grievance procedure seriously and applying it as necessary. People have advised you on this.

I have considered all of the advice seriously and some I have followed. Currently my manager is on his best behaviour as he now realises I will report him. There is alot going on at work which will completely restructure it and I hopefully will be reporting to a new manager. I'm sorry if I sound vague, I work for a very large co. and I'm worried if I say too much it will reveal my identity.
I am also concerned about any effect this will have on any references given to new employers as I am definately leaving, so for now I'm letting thing lay, but as you rightly say I will take it up again if I can't get out or he starts up again.
Thank you to you all for the effort you have taken to write x
Velvit hun i am in the same boat.....
Quote by Velvet Lips
....I am also concerned about any effect this will have on any references given to new employers as I am definately leaving, so for now I'm letting thing lay, but as you rightly say I will take it up again if I can't get out or he starts up again.
Thank you to you all for the effort you have taken to write x

VL - as far as references go it is illegal to give a bad reference... it would be worth finding out what your company policy is on references....many large companies will generally only confirm that you worked for them and make no comment on your abilities.
An employer is not obliged to provide a reference for an employee.
What should be included in a Reference?
Length of service and position held.
Competence on the job.
Reasons for leaving.
Any other comments pertaining to the employee such as any lengthy period of absence.
Any other remarks of a more personal nature.
What are the Key Points to Consider?
Provided that the employer believes the reference to be correct and as long as it is provided without malice, the reference is protected by 'qualified privilege'. This means that the employer will have a defence to any defamation claim brought by the employee if the information turns out to be untrue.
The defence of qualified privilege is lost forever if the statement falls into the hands of a third person who does not have a valid interest in the matter. Such statements should therefore be clearly marked 'Private and Confidential'.
An employer does owe a duty of care to the employee about whom he is writing a reference. The employer must take reasonable care in the preparation of a reference, as he will be held liable in negligence if he fails to do so and the employee suffers damage as a result.
The employer's obligation is to provide a true and fair reference to the best of his knowledge and any statement must not be misleading.
What Action can the Recipient of a Negligent Reference Take?
The recipient of an inaccurate statement may be able to sue the person giving the reference for any loss suffered, if it was reasonably foreseeable that the recipient of a reference would act on its contents.
If reliance has been placed on a carelessly drawn up reference the giver of the reference may be held liable to pay the recipient damages for financial losses that flow directly from the negligence.
Hope that helps
Quote by Velvet Lips
I think most people have experienced what you are going through and you have received a good deal of sympathy for this. If you now feel that the best way forward is to get out of the job then that will solve the problem.
If you have to stay for any length of time you may have to reasess your approach to this problem. This would mean taking the grievance procedure seriously and applying it as necessary. People have advised you on this.

I have considered all of the advice seriously and some I have followed. Currently my manager is on his best behaviour as he now realises I will report him. There is alot going on at work which will completely restructure it and I hopefully will be reporting to a new manager. I'm sorry if I sound vague, I work for a very large co. and I'm worried if I say too much it will reveal my identity.
I am also concerned about any effect this will have on any references given to new employers as I am definately leaving, so for now I'm letting thing lay, but as you rightly say I will take it up again if I can't get out or he starts up again.
Thank you to you all for the effort you have taken to write x
My tupance worth for what its worrth and yeh I have been bullied for years with two bosses, but survivied it just ......
1 keep your documentattion going and let him / her know you will record incidents of unprofessional behavour.
2 Get a consise chronalogical list of all the major issues on one or two pages then lodge a copy of this with HR, this is your defence against them trying to blame your emotional state. No need to get into a discussion just state you are loging this with HR for them to do with it as the see fit. You can also do this verbally if an incident has just happened ( I have) talk , tell the HR people .....say Joe blogs has jiust threatened me 5 mins ago I wish you record the fact that I have said this to you, then walk away.
3 Refuse to accept swearing or shouting, politely state this should be reconvened for a time when they can conduct themselves in a professional manner (follow up the break off of any calls / diuscussions with an email confirming this comment). Get other people involved whether they want to or not, request HR to state to teh person that you should not be shouted / sworn at.
4 Try and stay clam and detached from the situation It is only a job, it has no real reflection on the real you. If they can not see your good abilities they are the ones that are a pile of shit not you. You have good abilities.... they are just not allowing you to bring them out.###~. DONT FORGET THAT ~###
5 Mentors Upper Mangers, there will be other managers that possibly you could confide in.....Do it and ask their advice on how to resolve it with the least ripples, HR is not the only people concerned about these issues. Even the GM must / will have an interest, could you talk to him / her?
Sorry if this is a bit late and long but been there done it and have the scars to prove it.
Remember item 4 that is one of the most important ones.
Quote by RidingMountains2
VL - as far as references go it is illegal to give a bad reference... it would be worth finding out what your company policy is on references....many large companies will generally only confirm that you worked for them and make no comment on your abilities.

Myth - a company is liable if they provide a false or malicious reference.
Everything else seemed ok :thumbup:
Note to Velvet Lips - you could always ask to see your personal file prior to leaving, your company should have a policy in place advising you how to apply to do this (Data Protection Act). If you are worried they may be holding information on you to use against you in a reference - it has to be on your personal file and they must disclose it with all of the other information.
The likelyhood is they won't bother replying to a reference request or as previously stated - just conform when you worked there and in what role.
:sparring: if all else failes get his address or pub he goes in we could see if he likes to be bullied. T, lol