Sad to say bullying is common in a lot of work places these days. I dont know what the bullies get out of it making others suffer
Hi Again!
I thought I would just update you on my situation at work. As I suspected would happen, the whole subject has been sweeped under the carpet. They paid "lip service" to my complaint and have put it all down to me being tired and emotional because of the work load I'm carrying which they freely admit is actually enough work for two people!!
The only bright point of the whole day was I was offered an interview for a fantastic job which I applied for but didn't really think I would be seriously considered for. Couldn't have been better timed!
lets hope I get it because I really don't know how much longer I can survive my current position.
thanks for all your best wishes
I would still advise you to join a union relavant too your profession then have a word with them about the whole situation. They will advise you how to carry things further.
A good friend has recently lost her job from a well known train operating company's telesale centre, after being bullied by her team coach and performmance manager for years. Unfortunately she didn't involve the union until it was too late to save her job. Even though the HR representative at her disiplinnary meetings admitted that they hadn't followed company policy.
The Union is now taking legal action on her behalf.
I think most people have experienced what you are going through and you have received a good deal of sympathy for this. If you now feel that the best way forward is to get out of the job then that will solve the problem.
If you have to stay for any length of time you may have to reasess your approach to this problem. This would mean taking the grievance procedure seriously and applying it as necessary. People have advised you on this.
Velvit hun i am in the same boat.....