Right....we are a married couple...... mrs chat has to work as I am unable to for legitimate reasons ( I am not a lazy dosser before any one tries to tarnish me) We did put our child into child care for a while but found it was terrible.... I think children belong at home with a parent if possible... I know it is not always possible to do this and in some ways we are lucky. Most of my family are in the child care business and i have seen what they have to do and it is crazy......
I do not agree with all this about getting mothers back into work. they are best at home with there children...And deserve more respect from everyone for doing it and the fathers who look after the children too I find it a fantastic job and love spending the time with my son.
I'm a single father and have been blessed with two wonderful kids. Bringing up kids on your own is very difficult trying to juggle work and home life but not impossible. My kids are my inspiration to get over whatever life throws at me because for their sakes I have to succeed. I know through various groups lots of parents who do not share this passion and that saddens me, not for the parents but for the kids. Kids are our future and should be given every opportunity to succeed, this starts at home looking up to the person they love most.......dad/mum. I think some parents underestimate the role they play in shaping their child’s future. Parents shouldn't be forced to work parents should want to work...............
I understand the country is struggling with the finacial burdens that the 'workshy' put on it...but being a mother or father raising kids can be very rewarding but the hardest of jobs to do... I'm lucky as I have a partner who has always helped me out with the kids...both before we married and now after..
It infuriates me that the goverment seem to be singling out single mothers as the main culprets in this category. Most single mothers...and fathers for that only want whats best for their children and provide the best they can for them..
maybe the government should look at the workshy couples who keep popping babies out year on year out first....
Also i agree with westie....if we didnt have so many immigrants ..legal or not in the country there would be more money and jobs to go round...I recently became redundant..I'm taking a few weeks off before looking for a new job...I'm not work shy having worked since my youngest of 4 children was 1yr old...luckily I had family support not all are so fortunate..
I have the utmost respect for the majority of single parents as I know many who like westie have struggled and juggled kids around trying to proved the best for them...I know how hard it is working and missing out on so much as your children grow.
Instead of slating and stereotyping them all...maybe the politicians should get off their bums and find out what the real reasons behind people not bothering are....Now may not be the right time to force this through but it raises so many issues I dont think the government has really considered from their ivory towers and explored fully.
It also seems to me that the politicians who go on about work shy mothers and the 'fact' that they need to go back to "work" are forgetting one very important point...
Looking after a kid IS a job. It's an unpaid, very difficult and most of the time, untrained job.
When we had our first child I worked and the ex-wife stayed at home looking after her until she was of an age where the wife could go back to work.
When our second child arrived I was out of work due to injury so I looked after our youngest whilst the wife worked.
The end result is that I've seen it from both sides, so know just how much work it is to bring a kid up. No mum (or dad) bringing up a kid single-handed should ever be called "work shy". They may well be doing a shite job, but it's still a job nonetheless.
well said annie.... I agree the goverment should do something.... also with westie...they throw money into immagrants etc... worry about the English (British if I have to say the word sorry) Yeah there are alot of people who have children just to sponge off the goverment and I do beleive that we live are in one of the worst areas in a recent survey.... But if some one has children they should have them for the right reasons and not because of what money they can get off the goverment and being able to stay at home...I am not slating single mothers but there a a few out there who do have children for this reason.....
But at the end of the day the children come first.....mothers at home...fathers at home...as long as they are being cared for and educated well is all that matters....
The government has no idea what they are doing when it comes to unemployment. They think schemes that they set up such as the New Deal scheme are the way through when I found out through experience that it just gives companys incentives to take people on for six months then drop them and take someone else on through the same program.
I think that if the government was serious about helping people get back into work when you sign on they'd ask you to give them your CV etc so they can have a look at it and see if there is anything they've got at the jobcentre is suitable. However most of the staff dont seem too bothered about getting you back into work just getting you in and out. I can understand that there are some out there who dont want to work but most do.
Mothers with kids, fathers with kids, people with disabilitys and people who are just unlucky at the minute.
One thing people who criticise others who are unfortunate enough to not be working full time at the moment and contributing to our great society as much as they could should realise that in this current situation it could be you in that situation next.
tell ya what kent if you cant see the problem you send your kids to the STATE REGISTERED child minder i had and see how happy you are when she locks your kids in a cold damp conservitory and go do the hours i used to do. my son now has severe asthma and yes i blame that bloody woman my son was never ill now i spend more time than enough in a&e with my son on a nibuliser
If enough "volunteer" work can be found then it should be made into a full time job that is paid a going wage.
i do 8 hours a week charity work not that i HAVE to
I'm just wondering how many employers are really going to want to have the Karen Matthews of this world on their team? The kind of single mothers this is aimed at are not likely to be the most employable, and given that a million or more of the poorest paid, lowest skilled jobs are likely to be lost in a recession, what work exactly are they expected to do?
Some of them will have no work experience whatsoever. Some of them will be semi-literate at best. Some of them will have problems with alcohol and substance abuse. Some of them will have mental health issues. Some of them will be determined come what may that they are not going to be forced into work they don't want to do. What do you do in those cases? Cut their benefits come what may? The result of that in many cases will be that their kids suffer the consequences for their mothers actions, and I for one was always under the impression that the welfare state was designed to ensure precisely the opposite, namely, that kids are protected from the failings of their parents.
We will not solve the problem of an underclass that has never worked by taking a stick to them. Not without massive investment in childcare, training, adult education, etc, all of which are underfunded and of mixed quality. Successive governments have created the problem, but now seek to attach all responsibility for the consequences of their political decisions to the poorest and weakest members of society, taking none for themselves. I for one never expected a Labour government to propose policies that distinguish the 'deserving' versus 'undeserving' poor. You accept a certain amount of 'scrounging' because in the grand scheme of things they are the price you pay for being civilised enough to have protections in place for all in the shape of the welfare state.
Neil x x x ;)
Why do people get so uptight about people claiming benefits?
The simple fact of the matters is that these people are entitled by law to the benefits they are claiming otherwise they wouldn't be getting them.
So why, over time, has something which all of us are entitled to should we meet the requirements become and excuse to be called a sponger or someone that is forced into a situation that probably isn't best for them?
State benefits for the entitled are one of the things that sets us apart from most other countries (and I mean that in a good way).
Why must the right wing always be moaning about the cost of benefits paid out when the Government wastes far more money on other things that don't really benefit us as people. Trident missiles anyone? Bailing out incompetent banks. Lending money to countries who obviously will never be able to pay it back.
I wonder how many people could have benefited from the money spent on the Millenium Dome, or Blair's pied de terre?
People should always come first, something the Right always seem to forget.
Peanut I have made my opinions very clear, on many occasions. I have not nor never have had, any problems with people claiming benefits IF they are entitled to them.
Yes you are correct by saying these Mothers ARE entitled to the money they get by law. What is happening now is that the laws will be changed. Laws change all the time.
I believe that the genuine claimants out there are NOT given anywhere near the ammount they should be but....others are being given money that they could do something to get.
Would it not be a fairer system whereby the genuine ones get more money, and the ones that can work, do something constructive to get theirs?
As you seem to be a genuine claimant, would you not want more money? I think you would as would others but...we cannot continue to sustain Mothers with kids who do not or have never worked, and more importantly have no intention of ever doing so. That surely cannot be right, but a balance has to be struck where it is fair. And that is where I think this will fall down because, some genuine claimants will be dragged into the net and told they have to find some kind of work.
This kind of radical change in the law of course will have people up in arms, but radical decisions normally does.
I would just like to see a fairer system where the likes of Karen Mathews cannot screw the system, and if she could have worked and payed her dues like most do, maybe just maybe she would not have become the dreadful Mother she turned out to be.
It has become a culture for many who can work, but choose the benefit route as a lifestyle choice. I am saying that choice should be taken away, but NOT from the genuine claimants. That to me seems a fairer system than the one we currently have.
6 months ago I found myself in the position of being a single parent and had to claim benefits for myself and two children aged 9 & 4. I've never claimed benefits before now.
My youngest recently started school so I thought right I'll start to look for work. I went to several employment agencies all who said they could arrange interviews for me and gave me details of the jobs and salary.
So before I went on the interviews I looked into the cost of child care and as one of my children has autism he needs specialist after school care/school holiday care and after working out costs and what I would earn and what I would have to pay out and finding out tax credits etc etc I would be £4 a week better off working 37 1/2 hours per week.
Then I have the big problem that my sons autism means I am often called into his school to deal with problems he has. Is anyone employer really going to employ me when I have to say half way though the day can I have a few hours off to go sort my son out. And then I would have to take that time off as unpaid leave so I would be actually worse off working.
Does the government really think I would go back to work to be worse off. Somehow I cant see it happening.
Bottom line is whether people like it or not, it IS going to happen. Moan about it, slag off the system, even slag off the Government but....it is coming and is going to happen.
I just hope that when it does happen the people who DESERVE the money, still get it. That would be my one and only worry.
As for somebody saying about throwing money at the armed forces or the " war ", that comes out of a completly different budget. I am talking about the Social Security budget and what money they have, or not as the case maybe.
The ones who will moan the loudest are the ones who will be affected by the changes, for me I will work whether they change the law or not. It makes no difference to me really at all BUT...it will affect MY Daughter, as she falls into the can work but won't work catagory, I am afraid to say. But she will like many others have to do some work to be able to collect their benefits. She will not be happy about it, but it will be better for her than just sitting at home all day watching the telly. She ain't happy, but hey lifes a bitch at times.
i am i single mum to 3kids. for me to go to work i would need part-time care for my 3yr old full time care for my 2 yr old and after school care for my 9 yr old.
so for me to work it just wouldn't happen to be honest not that i don't want to but coz off the above. i receive to be fair. a lot off benefits not nearly a lot as some of my friends get. but i also have a child that gets dla. etc so most of my benefits are through her. i receive csa off 1 father for 2kids the other appears to have vanished.. witch actually replaces my income support though get it through there..
basically what i am saying is that the above is the reason i can't work 1. coz off child care and fact my kids dad works full time and refuse's to care for his kids so i could get a small job. and 2 coz i have a disabled child also.
but there is some people who actually chose not to. my friends partner left a well paid job to rise is 3kids and her 3 other kids and the reason was she would lose a lot off benefits if he continued to work after they got married. that's a bit unfair on the benefits system really. witch i did tell her?
there well always be different reason's why people can't work and i am sure the government take this into account. as i have to attend an appointment to see if i can start work.