This week i had a Nasal endoscopy. For those that dont know, the poke a thin camera up your nose to examine the nasal passage.
To make it easier for there poking around they had to use a local anaesthetic in my nostrils.
They Squirt a few times then ask you to sniff.
It tastes RANK. I say it tastes because it dribbles down the back of your nose and into your throat.
The resulting affect is a slightly numb tongue but a very numb throat.
I was gagging.
Anyways this got me thinking (obviously surrounded by nurses)..
What if you applied a small amount directly to the back of the givers throat.
They would lack the gag reflex there for allowing for efficient and satisfactory deep throat.
Possibly the even more rigorous scull fuck.
Could this work? or indeed has anyone tried it?
It would work for a bit, but then the cock would become numb...apparently ;o)
Oh i think the gagging was just me. The nurses look panicked seen as i went red.
I guess the dick going numb would help those that have senstivity issues! lol
I did know a guy that used Bonjela for that.
Whilst the anesthesia might numb your throat in preparation it won't prevent catching an STD.
Within the porn industry anaesthetic sprays are used for this very purpose. I will not stop your gag reflex, but it will numb the back of the throat, and help relax your throat mussels.
I have used on Subs to enable them to take harder more prolonged throat fucking and or group use.
can also be sued to desensitise the clit for smiler purposes.
Master G
The ability to "deep throat" relies on the ability to control your gag reflex, I doubt that this method would actually work, I have had the up the nose anaesthetic myself and its rank to say the least. Plus part of the pleasure of giving a bj that way is your control of the said reflex in the first place and the pleasure it can give.
the gagging reflex is there to prevent unwanted things going down your throat . so technically without it you could possibly get a load of sperm down your trachea causing you to if its happened to anybody.