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Would someone adopt me??!!!

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3 watchers
Hi, I'm still a swinging virgin. I've been close but fell at the last hurdle! banghead
Would any of you experienced swingers take me in hand (not liereally of course.....but then again.....!!) & be my mentor? I'm not a bad guy, probably a lot like Fred Elliot (NOT in looks :eeeksmile, fall in love too easliy & always end up getting hurt. I just want some fun, laughs & anything else that comes with it. I'm straight, not into pain, just whatever makes us both happy. When I say mentor, I don't mean someone to have sex with - just someone to chat to, share their experiences, be at my graduation! ( :small-print:) & feel proud that they helped a virgin become........a swinger!! :cheers:
You put that so nicely that I almost feel like adopting you myself. However, the scheme that Sarge set up means that I'm not allowed to adopt you. I'm a Northerner and as such am only allowed to adopt people South of Brum. As you're in the North West, you would be against the rules. I don't want the full wrath of Sarge upon me for breaking the rules sad
However, if there is a loophole in the said rule, could someone let me know cool
Well.......I have been to London several times - Isn't there a rule that if you've stayed south of Brum - you can adopt a Northerner??
I'm very well-behaved, nice temprement, house-trained & need plenty of excercise 69position
so worship can anyone find me a home???
What do people think? Am I allowed to adopt this waif, even though he's not a real Southerner?
oh go on blue adopt the little blighter,just think of the extra points that'll score you! You could be the tart with a heart of the SH site!! kiss
Blue, I think this could be allowed under the Mentor scheme, but do you want the responsibility of being a mentor for xax?? :shock: confused :? :?
Hmmmm, I don't think mentoring is really me. All I could teach poor old aXa is how to wear pink fishnets and silly hats, how to get barred from clubs and how to hang round car parks and the countryside on a push bike - that would scar the poor lad for life, wouldn't it :shock:
:eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Bloody Hell!!!! No wonder my ears have been burning whilst I've been out!!
waif! young lad! fishnets!!!(actually.....quite like the sound of them! lol )
Think I'll stay out of this debate whilst you discuss my fate!
But looking at your site Blue - I think you could teach me a lot :evil2:
I could be your Luke Skywalker to you - Yoda & learn to be a Goodi (shag) night!! rotflmao
somebody adopt me ------------please sad :cry: :cry: ?
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Blue, I think this could be allowed under the Mentor scheme, but do you want the responsibility of being a mentor for xax?? :shock: confused :? :?

Woohoo - the swinging heaven mentoring scheme!!!!!!!!
I'd offer to mentor someone, but as I'm inexperienced perhaps I'm the one needing a mentor!
Ooh, now you've got my attention.....
What a good idea! I guess I'll have to put an ad together now too - and risk breaking me neck while trying to take a picture of myself! :shock: hehe!
Any Lincolnshire folks like to Adopt a Panty Freak then? biggrin House trained & all that too! Would be great to have someone to 'show me the ropes' as it were.... (hang on, that sounds like an invitation to tie me up redface hmmm, actually..... :twistedsmile
the old saying "the blind leading the blind" never seemed so apt!
the old saying "the blind leading the blind" never seemed so apt!
OK Daffodil boobs by Braille it is then ! Feels good to me
oh i hope you're a slow reader flipper sillyhwoar:
I think it's important to be sure you fully grasp what you are reading . Sometimes takes hours but I believe in keeping on until you reach the end !