:shock: I have just been told a story by my friend, about her friend.
The girl in question had been at a party and has since discovered a picture of herself on her camera phone, that she has no recollection of being taken.
In the picture she appears as if she has passed out in a dark room, and she has her top pulled down and her skirt pushed up.
She has absolutely no recollection of this, no idea of who could have taken the picture, but knows that she was so drunk that she couldn't remember most of the party. At best, it was folk messing about, at worst, well, she doesn't even want to think about it....
Although i don;t know her, I'm told she's a very shy girl, who would never willingly have so much on show, which i think is what makes this worse.
So what do you think?
A comment from another male particularly shocked me, who laughed, and said 'that's what she gets for getting in such a state'
IMO this is a form of assault not a prank gone wrong.
I can't understand how anyone could laugh.
Did she get what she deserved for getting so drunk?
I find this kind of thing completely reprehensible. At best it is the sickest of jokes and at worst yes, clearly assault.
Drunk or not, she has been abused.
Well, just glad that this is how everyone else sees it- I couldn't believe it when i heard someone thought it was funny!
I hope to god nothing else happened to her, but i have heard of much worse than this!
M xx
Was no one 'looking out ' for her?
I've been to parties where someone is out for the count, normally drunk and someone has normally looked out for them, ie kept people away etc.
I think what has happened to this person is well out of order.
Would anyone sleep with someone that clearly that drunk?
It worries me that a lot of lads think a drunk girl is an easy target...
Have you ever been so drunk that you regretted something like that?
Luckily, to my knowledge i have never been that bad, but i know plenty of friends who do have regrets and also memory blanks from nights out...
Bloody hell Maz, that's disgusting. I'd agree that it was assault - pretty sure she wouldn't have agreed to it if she'd been sober.
One of my daughter's friends got drunk, someone took pictures of her (using her 'phone) then sent them to people in her address book on her own 'phone. That's the same thing - and definitely assault.
Some bloody low-life scum out there who do these things, eh?
Everyone assumes that this girl was drunk. Last year my own daughter was at a West midlands club when some low life administered a drug. Fortunately for her one of the bouncers who knew her saw what was happening and contacted us straight away.
When I arrived at the club she appeared to be drunk and her legs had collapsed under her. She remembers nothing of what happened beforehand.
There is every possibility that this girl was given a similar drug.
Definitely assault and probably worth having a word with Plod about.
It should also be a wake-up call for the girl involved. Hopefully she won't allow herself to get into such a predicament next time.
I would'nt say assault, but deffo go to the police.
I don't know if it's assault but it's a horrible violation.
I can't quite say 'poor her' though if she got herself too drunk to know what she was doing.
The accepting attitude to alcohol abuse in our society baffles me.
it's very unfortunate for the person concerned and if it was me i'd be rightly concerned, from a legal position tho it'd be very difficult to prove unless there was a witness prepared to come forward.
in todays society - where most of us are on a camera of some sort for most of the day one's personal privacy is invaded constantly
I'm with you on the drunk thing- I would never get myself in such a state, or i would hope i wouldn't.
What I find appalling is that someone can laugh at this.
Yes, she was stupid to get in that state, but does that mean she was asking for it?
As i said, I don't know the girl, i don't know the situation or any other facts other than in the original post.
What I do know is its an all too common occurence.
I think it often comes down to the 'lad mentality', another notch on the bedpost, with as little effort as possible to get an easy shag.
Silly drunk girl gets what's coming to her?
Would anyone thinkit fair game to sleep with someone that drunk that you couldn't be sure of consent?
totally discusting no body has the right to do touch any body with out consent
I think it is is disgusting that it could be classed as amusing by the people/person who arranged her clothing or did worse.
I think it is disgusting that anyone else would think she was culpable.
If I was unconscious in the middle of the road with a sign that said 'please fuck me senseless and take photo's' it wouldn't give anyone the right to take advantage of the fact that I was not actually able to give my consent to anything.
My body is still my own and consent must explicitly be given for anyone to touch it.
If I was her mother then I would be educating her on sensible behaviour but that would not excuse whomever did that to her. At all. Ever.
I would then seek out everyone at the party to determine who saw/did what.
I am sure that the young woman is terrified as the unknown is an awful place for one's mind to go. I would be looking for answers to help her get over the event.
The whole situation stinks.
It is disgusting :shock: and yes i would think it is assault