My conclusion was that it would limit the type of things I was comfortable doing, that I enjoy doing, that carry risk - i.e. rimming etc. I wouldn't be relaxed knowing there may be some risk involved and to me, good sex is all about both people being relaxed. I'm not referring to fucking being limited here - that requires a condom as far as I'm concerned every time, no debate.
I have two mates who are HIV positive and have had the same conversations with them in an adult and inoffensive way.
I'm sure I've come into contact with people with HIV over my lifetime in sexually charged situations but I've NEVER had unprotected anal sex with anyone other than a long-term partner with whom our rules are agreed. And I mean NEVER as oppopsed to 'it just slipped in once' (which I really don't get!)
If I have knowledge then I'll make a risk assessment and use that knowledge so no, if I knew, I wouldn't have sex with someone who was HIV+.