Toilet? Looks ok from the outside! (I have cleverly disguised the lady's face)
Its made of Glass and by all accounts if you put your face up close to the outside and peer in - you can just see inside. This one is in the US!
Quote by Dawnie
I would rather go behind a bush than use this loo! Least I know my ass will hang out rather than not knowing if someone can see me or not :lol2:
Quote by anais
I would rather go behind a bush than use this loo! Least I know my ass will hang out rather than not knowing if someone can see me or not :lol2:
Quote by anais
I would rather go behind a bush than use this loo! Least I know my ass will hang out rather than not knowing if someone can see me or not :lol2:
Quote by Ian
I would rather go behind a bush than use this loo! Least I know my ass will hang out rather than not knowing if someone can see me or not :lol2:
Quote by Sassy-SerenYou are my kind of lady. You beat me to that, but I think I would be way ahead of you when it cum to it.
I wouldn't use for for a wee but I'm liking the idea of shagging in it :twisted: