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Xmas malady

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As it's getting mighty close to xmas and it would be an awful shame if something cropped up to spoil the event I thought I'd pop this thread up so people could post any problems they've got that might compromise ones enjoyment.
as is usual the thread starter gets first go lol
I got the mother and father of all sore throats right now its even spread to the back right side of my tongue.
Has anyone any suggestions for some relief so that I may swallow again without fear.
nb I am not a great fan of whisky
I can't wait for Bloke to see this......I bet he has a few ideas lol
Quote by niceguysdoexist
As it's getting mighty close to xmas and it would be an awful shame if something cropped up to spoil the event I thought I'd pop this thread up so people could post any problems they've got that might compromise ones enjoyment.
as is usual the thread starter gets first go lol
I got the mother and father of all sore throats right now its even spread to the back right side of my tongue.
Has anyone any suggestions for some relief so that I may swallow again without fear.
nb I am not a great fan of whisky

A proper cold remedy - lemsip or such like. But also get some lemon and ginger tea bags and make that up with hot water and a spoonful of honey. Add a bit of extra lemon juice if you like. It is very soothing and cos there is no medecine in it, you can sip at it all day.
You may feel better with cold drinks to cool the throat - that can still have honey in it.
Hope you get better soon.
Gargle with soluble aspirin. :thumbup:
Get well soon x
Lemsips don't work... that was what my doctor told me.
As said above, plenty of hot lemon and honey drinks, and gargle with salt water!!
Hope you get better soon kiss
lemsips and other similar cold medicines are a waste of money
if u feel the need to take such stuff then you would be better to buy ordinary painkillers such as paracetemol or ibuprofen, you can take both at the same time if you are in a lot of pain
there are lots of sprays to help with easing congestion in the nose or use vicks or similar
and also there are sprays you can use to numb your throat
plus drink lots and rest smile
Corsodyl. Most places like Boots, Wilkos etc have their own cheaper generic ones.
Gargle with the (hideous) stuff at the first sign of a cold/sore throat- it really does kill the nasties. I was given the tip by a former dentist after wondering why his family never caught colds.
Quote by Ste_n_Kez
I can't wait for Bloke to see this......I bet he has a few ideas lol

Gargle with a salty fluid might work but just like Dave, I’m waiting for Bloke's suggestion on this :twisted:
b1okes suggestion will be gargle with a salty fluid just not one a doctor would normally reccomend
Hey Thanks all for the suggestions .....unfortunately the honey remedies are out as I'm diabetic.
I'm also avoiding the whiskey one as I've never forgiven it(nor has my stomach) since it got me very very pissed as a young man.
I have been told about the salt gargle by many but my throats been so excruciatingly painful its frightened me off that one ...coward that I am . I have found that all the cold remedies dont work for me.
So far I have found that Solpadine gives me about an hour and a halfs releif from the pain but als its 4 hours between doses sad
Going to try Witchy's Corsodyl if I'm not better tomorrow.
Oh and I am avoiding having any solids in my mouth currently so blokes patent salt gargle applicator is out of lol the question thx. :lol:
Hope I get more than the 2 hours sleep I got last night tonight
Would you believe it...I have woken up with a very sore throat now!!!
Sipping hot honey and lemon drink as I type :shock:
I will be away from home Christmas day. My only link with the real world, laptop.
So Christmas day is Christmas Eve for us this year, A German Christmas.
Never mind extra pay for me.
Lemsips are ok, but they're expensive and I don't like the flavours they come in. I tend to stick to the cold & flu releif capsules which do the same job as lemsip but are cheaper and more convenient, failing that at least take paracetamol. I also find chocolate brings some comfort for a short while!
Quote by sara_gra
Would you believe it...I have woken up with a very sore throat now!!!
Sipping hot honey and lemon drink as I type :shock:

I knew I shouldn't have whispered you in the chat room :sad:
Next time then..I had better wear protection!!!
A face mask :lol2: