Gargle with soluble aspirin. :thumbup:
Get well soon x
Lemsips don't work... that was what my doctor told me.
Corsodyl. Most places like Boots, Wilkos etc have their own cheaper generic ones.
Gargle with the (hideous) stuff at the first sign of a cold/sore throat- it really does kill the nasties. I was given the tip by a former dentist after wondering why his family never caught colds.
Would you believe it...I have woken up with a very sore throat now!!!
Sipping hot honey and lemon drink as I type :shock:
I will be away from home Christmas day. My only link with the real world, laptop.
So Christmas day is Christmas Eve for us this year, A German Christmas.
Never mind extra pay for me.
Lemsips are ok, but they're expensive and I don't like the flavours they come in. I tend to stick to the cold & flu releif capsules which do the same job as lemsip but are cheaper and more convenient, failing that at least take paracetamol. I also find chocolate brings some comfort for a short while!
Next time then..I had better wear protection!!!
A face mask :lol2: