As the title implies. this is my first real thread on this board, despite having had an ad here for a year or so before it was so cruelly deleted (mods=only joking)
(Unfortunately) I am a single male in my mid thirties, which makes me prime ignoring material according to most ads I've read. However, I am recently single which has conversely given me the impetous to post and introduce myself.
Tall, dark and handsome (although I would of course say that) I am looking for a soulmate and this seems as good a place as any I have found in person. Failing that, I am looking for someone special to enjoy the more physical side of life with. This does not mean I would be interested in a relationship against the spirit of this site, merely that I am keeping my options and my potential experiences open.
I live in the south of England but am more interested in the person and any connection than the location. However, someone with a slightly wicked side would catch my attention over a more (perhaps) vanilla lover.
Asking the impossible? I hope not. I welcome mail from anyone; after all, that's what an online community is really about!
Happy hunting to all, but if you would care to throw a spear in my direction, I would be keen to hear from all you (female) hunters...
tvm Sgt Bilko.
always a pleasure to meet the role model for my favourite alleycat-cartoon!
oh indeed i remember the black and white.
and the steve martin remake.
but as is much the same with most things, it's the one that first takes your imagination that counts.
here's looking for ms right...
or mr and ms right...
just wanting to get more attention (me, me, me!) so bumping this up. Hope nobody minds too much!
Thanks Steph, good to make your acquantance.
Yes, the name was influenced by the classics, but certainly no bull about me (groan).
hope you're well and looking forward to a good weekend!
very strangely interesting...!
Nice intro mate - good luck :thumbup:
can see what you mean.
wouldn't the tail put you off a bit though??
now you sound verrrrry interesting ... lol
Top marks on the intro and from one single guy to the other may I offer a great big hello and :welcome:
I'll give you a free bump ! (not in the real sense you understand).. Good luck in your search !
Thanks everyone for your kind words. Looking forward to making and - erm - playing with new friends on here.
Have to get me a decent avatar soon....
welcome to the site and good luck
you do realise once you're allowed in there is no escape!! :welcome:
Ello, welcome to SW and hope you have lottsa fun!
Now with added avatar - thanks for the guidance in the stickys etc.