I got a red flaggy thing been up on friend for ages now but nothing pending but it wont peep I know got the same on mailbox - anyone know owt about whether there's a glitch?
See if it has gone now...
We had 57 friends requests pending then they all dissapeared overnight for some unknown reason that we dont care about we currently have a further 44 requests that may dissapear sometime.
We never open friend requests, we are not into collecting pokes on facebook or friends we will never meet and really dont see the point in people sending them when they have never spoken to us, we will add people to our list if we have met them in person as they are "friends of ours"
That's happened to us a lot with friends requests and sheep red flags. I have put support tickets in and admin just reset them.
I have had had a little red flag saying I have an unread message for weeks Now I know my eyesight aint the best but can I find the bloody thing
We also have a strange friends request flag from an account that doesn't exist. if anyone could wave there magic wand and get rid of it we would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance.
Looks like we will have to do the same, the damn red flag has been there for two weeks already and is starting to look like it's meant to be there!
oo oo oo we have one too can you make ours go away its really doing me noggin in, daft how a little red box can be so damn annoying :shock: