Quote by varca
What have you done/said that identifies you as a confirmed SH addict? :grin:
Posting on here at 3am then again before 8am :lol2:
Quote by Gufuncouple
When we're at a 'normal' event and introduce ourselves as Mr & Mrs Gu! :doh:
When I sign for deliveries from the courier - Mr Gu! :doh:
When we're in facebook and look for the view cam function... :doh:
When we read something on here and take it seriously..... :doh:
Where's the Virtual Doctor - we're infected with SHitious :borg:
Quote by Optix
When we're at a 'normal' event and introduce ourselves as Mr & Mrs Gu! :doh:
When I sign for deliveries from the courier - Mr Gu! :doh:
When we're in facebook and look for the view cam function... :doh:
When we read something on here and take it seriously..... :doh:
Where's the Virtual Doctor - we're infected with SHitious :borg:
Quote by Optix
just scanning down the list of some of the users that used to be a main part of this site.. and apart from cubes.. i think they are no longer here :-(.... they cured there additction!
for me... i knew i was addicted when i said i was going to have a break for a few weeka
s, then by day two.. i'm getting cold sweats and withdrawals from not getting my daily fix of the chatroom.
Quote by Sgt Bilko
..... When you move to the other side of the world but still can't resist popping in here to see whats been going on!!ops::oops:
Quote by Sexyme09
when you are sat on the balcony at your mother in laws in spain reading the forum and when you have just bought a spanish mobile broadband stick so you can stay in chat longer.