My first proper boyfriend and I had nowhere to go - both lived with our families who disapproved of the relationship. We used to shag on the embankments of the railway line.
Got caught by my English teacher walking his dog, :shock: He did't say a word - and neither did we!
i;ve been caught on CCTV - with the same boyfriend - on the doorstep of a local theatre. Another time was on a picnic style table in the co=op carpark with some random bloke from a nightclub. CCTV again and passers by. It's kinda fun! :twisted:
I got caught by my then girlfriends Mum who worked across the road from her house daily for about 3-4 hours.
i was at the time lying on the floor, on my back with girlfriend on top cowgirl style with her cousin sitting on the sofa (cousin is still my voyeuristic rolemodel) when in came Her mum looked went rigid and just glared.
Well girlfriend started to get off and through gritted teeth i hissed " just stay where you ****** are"
i was embarrased enough let alone needing her Mum to see me iin all me glory as g/f got up off me!!!!!
Her Mum just stood there arms folded Les Dawson style. Chest heaved up to mammoth proportioms and demanded we get up!!! cousin was sitting nonchalantly lighting (give her credit) herself and i a cigarette.
well i grabbed my pile of clothes mumbling and we sort of detached from each other as best we could hiding various parts of anatomy whilst 'mum' said icily that she thought I should leave!! Guess what, I did ................FAST!
To be fair on the girlfriends mum she never mentioned the subject ever. Though according to my girlfriend she reeived the most god almighty rollicking.
Shame she didn't create really. We ended up with a wasted 6 years together. Splittimg up acrimoniously in the end . Ah well happy days (not!)