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Your A Winner.....

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I've been in the chatroom.... and some of the regs we chatting about thing they have won....So I thought it would be a good topic for the cafe.
Sorry if anybody has already covered this subject before....
So.... What, if anything.... is the biggest thing you have ever won in a compertition??
Mine was when i was 16... The shell garage 5 mins from my house was holding a compertition. You had to say a certain phrase to the staff, i think it was "island in the sun" and you were given a scrath card type thing.
So i scratched it off and it was an entry to win a holiday. So i wrote my details on it and popped it in to the box not thinking anything more of it.
So about 6 weeks later.... My mum rang me at work and said she wanted to see me when i had finished...we worked at the same place but different departments.
As i walked in.... she threw this big brown envelope at me asking me "and what the hell is this"??? !!!!! :small-print:
I shit myself...wondering what the hell i had done now :uhoh:
I opened it.... shaking...wanting to cry.... To find......... :scared:
Dear Miss D xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations You have won a 14 day holiday to Jamaica
I could of died.... my mum started laughing... i started crying.... lol
The only prob was..... I couldnt go.... U had to be 18 :sad: So we had to get in touch and tell them they had got the initial mixed up... They were fine about it and my Parents went on it instead.... smile
i won the mummys race at my sons sports day at school mind you i was one of the yongest mums there and im 35 redface biggrin
I won a jar of lollipops by guessing how many were in it cool
328...................I can still remember .................. and no it wasn't recently, I was just a kid rolleyes wink
a box of choccies in a local raffle ages ago
Ok I didnt win it but Mr O did and as he doesnt post in here i thought i would for him
He entered a competition during Cowes week this year and won first prize which was a day sailing on the Barclays round the world yacht.
It was a fantastic day the sun was shining we were being treated like royalty we had lunch on board of smoked salmon etc.
Mind you we ached for the next few days after all the winching we had done.
Quote by oliveoyl
Mind you we ached for the next few days after all the winching we had done.

We have soooooo experienced that feeling.....
winching is Glaswegian slang for... passionkiss
I can remember the first thing I ever won...... a tin of paints in Primary School.
I was dead chuffed!!!!! :smile2:
only thing I ever won was a mother and baby comp - our daughter is gorgeous wink lol
I actually won a holiday out of Take-a Break magazine
I did the puzzles religlously and posted them off every week, Mr Goodtimez used to moan and say you'll never win anything!!! So I think it was more satisfying just that had won something and I could shut him up!! Funny thing is since I won, haven't done the puzzles since!! Not quite worked out why!!!
AKA Mrs Goodtimez
Quote by Kit
only thing I ever won was a mother and baby comp - our daughter is gorgeous wink lol

She'll take her looks from her mother then dunno
many many years ago ( about 37 to be exact) I entered a competition called LIFE .
After many gruelling rounds designed to confuse and disorientate on the way to the end, I eventually won the star prize..... my wife.
Quote by sleazy
I eventually won the star prize..... my wife.

Everyone say Awwwwwww.
I lost a third of my life.
Quote by sleazy
many many years ago ( about 37 to be exact) I entered a competition called LIFE .
After many gruelling rounds designed to confuse and disorientate on the way to the end, I eventually won the star prize..... my wife.

That goes without saying in my house..........
I won £50 on the Premium Bonds once biggrin
Quote by EagerSlut
I won £50 on the Premium Bonds once biggrin

:bounce: wave :welcome:
Years ago I won the weekly competition on a local radio station in London twice in a month - the prizes were records each time.
I once won a film quiz at a book fair (yes, confusing isn't it) and won a film encyclopedia and several videos.
I once won £55 on the lottery.
5 numbers on the lottery :smug:
Wasn't a brilliant week though sad
Funny thing was,I had said I would love just enough to put a new roof on my house,it was rather just covered the amount needed .............
So think I've ruined my chances of ever winning a major prize on the lottery again. dunno
I won the egg and spoon race in Brownies :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I won second prize in a beauty competition!
Quote by Happy Cats
I won second prize in a beauty competition!
Who won 1st place...??
The cat with an owls face on ur avatar???
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Happy Cats
I won second prize in a beauty competition!

Quote by Happy Cats
I won second prize in a butty competition!

Well done, what was it filled with dunno
Quote by Happy Cats
I won second prize in a beauty competition!

Been playing monopoly lol
won first prize at our village xmas faite a whopping big hamper with everthing u needed for xmas including that horrid tinned ham and turkey lol
Well when I was 17 (fcuk that takes me back a bit) I worked in factory and they had several departments. They had a sweep going for each department and being a greedy boy I bought a ticket from two departments. I drew the same number (six) from both sweeps and this number equated to "Ben Nevis". It won the National and I won both sweeps.
Lucky boy or what?
I won a pair of tickets to go and see Styx in Brum earlier this year.
Concidering the tickets were free, the seats were pretty good and had a great night.
I also win a pair of tickets for front row seats a few years ago, to go and see "Buddy, The Musical". That was a great night.
With a bit of luck and plenty of practice, maybe one day I'll win major darts tournament.
I actually won a holiday out of Take-a Break magazine
I won a Loney Planet guide to India now waiting to wia holiday there so I can use the book wink
Quote by EagerSlut
I won £50 on the Premium Bonds once biggrin

Thong shopping :bounce: :bounce:
EEEEEeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :bounce:
Quote by Happy Cats
I won second prize in a beauty competition!

There was only two entrees rolleyes
Shrek came first lol :lol:
Quote by LilMissGullable
So.... What, if anything.... is the biggest thing you have ever won in a compertition??

About 12 or 13 years ago we were at a shopping centre in Washington, (The one up by Sunderland), and hubby bought a ticket for a draw to win a Ferrari GTS 308, (the one like Magums)
It only cost a fiver.
4 Months later we got a letter saying we'd won smile
Sadly we could afford to run it or insure it, but not both so we had to sell it sad
the one and only thing i have ever won (worth noting that is), was a 6 lap drive of a lambourghini diablo sv at goodwood circuit, 3 laps traction control on, and 3 laps with traction turned off. :twisted:
it nearly gave me a big a smile as i get when swinging..... wink