Whats your favourite chocolate bar ?
And why ?
Yorkie..............it's not for girls ?? Can anyone explain that one........
It's a packet of "Munchies" for me every time.................no pun intended there..........
Reminds me of a joke
How do you know God is Male...
Because cum doesnt taste like chocolate!!
At the moment it would have to be the large bars of Cadburys with turkish delight in them!
Galaxy for me too, creamy and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Do admit to liking a lot of the chocolate bars but still hope nobody buys me any sweets for xmas
I have a lot to choose from but if i had to pick a favourite it would have to be.....
Fry's Orange Cream
Bounty is mine allong with Mint Aero
I dont like chocolate, sorry, am I weired? Would rather have a scotch egg, or sausage rool to be honest.
Thorntons Alpini bars are GORGEOUS! mmmmmmmmmmm
Then there is Thorntons Continental selection yummy yummy yummy
But of course most chocolate will do, I'm a woman aren't I?! Except coffee creams!
Mmmmmm I love Maltesers cause you can suck them until they melt in your mouth..... :twisted:
Double Deckers do it for me
Well, cadbury's can't make chcocolate, so it's gotta be galaxy.
It has to be dark chocolate for me
Without a doubt cadbury's flake just for the crumbs left in the wrapper.