Without me being intrusive, just wanting to get an idea of peoples first experiences! How did you get started? How did you find the first time?
Blimey, it was that long ago, I'll have to have a think, but I do know it was well before I joined this site...........
Started..... i'm still in the locker room getting ready! :-)
joking aside.. i kinda jumped in the deep end.. not really knowing a lot about swinigng at the time, and very young and niave (sp). i was invited to a partt with in about a couple of months of joining and went along, and it all kinda went from there..
with regards 1-2-1 meets i'm never that great with, tend to do a lot of chatting and getting to know people, but never really get past that stage, but then for me. i enjoy the freindship side, and widening my circle of freinds, so its not all a hardship..
for me personally.. main bit of advice i could give anyone who is new to the scene, is to get a long to socail of some kind, be that one from this site or another, as its such a great way of getting a feel for the people who are around, and its in a totally neutral enviroment, so if you think "nope this is not me.." then you can just walk away. but if you do, hopefully you'll enjoy the evneing, put names to faces, and maybe if your lucky have more to of a night to remember.
I guess ill need to build more of a profile on here.
Regarding socials, are they arranged for certain age groups? (not that age matters ;) ) or do they usually compromise a mix?
I'm intrigued!
I remember my first time......
Getting it up and into the right position
Then filling her up and plugging in
Leaving her alone for a while to build up a good head
Before letting her slide down the full length of the board
Ahh my first iron..... yes I remember it all too well :lol2:
First swinging experience or first shag?
As a swingle, then my first meet from this site was with a single male in a hotel. It was cool. He was a nice guy and we had great, no pressure, no-strings sex. My first group sex? That was before I joined this site. It was hot. :rascal: But very unexpected.
First shag? Ahhhh... back into the dawns of time :giggle:
My 1st meet was in 2007 and it was with a porn star called Pussy Malone and her real name was Kerry Mathews from Ashford. I was based in Dover with the Paras and bought a contact mag and sent them a letter and a pic(how much easier it is now). I got a reply amd remebr scrubbing the block floors on the night of our meet because we had a block inspection on the monday. They sent me pics of here with other guys as proof and they only sed she was in Porn wen they ask me to get a HIV test becuase she didnt like condoms and obvoisly in her trade she has to have certs. Im embarrsd to say i told her i couldnt get certs but being in the army we get tested reg and give blood which we did and they were happy with that. B4 anyone says u did it bareback etc it was my 1st meet and i was new to meets. Anyway i had a great time and got posted away soon after so never met them again but i heard she split from her hubby later and i dont know wat she does now. Wen we were in Northern Ireland i seen here in the Daily Sport one day and said to the lads "ive had her" of which i got the reply "in ur dreams" so i showed them the pics of our meet and the lads loved it!
Bizzarly if i was to meet a porn star now id be a lot more nervous as id be thinking wat if i dont do this etc but back then new and it didnt faze me for some reason.
If anyway says this guy is talking bull have a look at the pic of me and the girl on the floor on my pics with brown hair and then type in Pussy Malone in google and u will see its her!