This came up in our house for the first time roughly 4 years ago.
My eldest had a boyfriend, and wanted him to stay over in her bedroom in our family home.
My other kids were at that time 15, and 17.
I said no, as I did not want him around my house in a morning when we were all getting up. Also because even though I knew they were having sex, I didnt want it going on when I was around, and also, I did not think it was setting a good example to my other 2 kids.
His parents were completely different, and she started staying at his nearly all the time very quickly into their relationship. They had kids the same age as mine also.
They are all classed as adults now, but still are not allowed boyfriends/girlfriends to stay over.
My friends mainly think I am crazy to not allow them to stay over now they are adults, and we fall out at times about some of my attitudes to parenting.
What would you do, or infact have done, or are doing now when yours want the boy/girl friends to stay over?
Lucys post.
Yes I would allow it. They are all over the age of consent now, and will do it if they are that way inclined regardless of any rules put in place by parents.
i recall a similer thread a while back, my view hasnt changed,
no way would i allow my daughter to have a boyfriend to sleep over.
they are children and as such as adults it is our role to protect them.
they may not have taken that step yet, or they may have once but maybe there is now presure to continue, throwing open your doors and saying dive in is not the right thing to do. you could inadvertanly be setting your daughter up to be in a situation she deep down does not want to be in.
yes they might sneek around but ffs thats what being a teenager is about.
i dont dismiss that facts, and talk openly, but im not about to encourage it.
xx fem xx
Well my Sister was placed in this very predicamant, over the last six months.
Her Daughter was 16 and her boyfriend the same age. She asked me my opinion and I said I would not allow my Daughters boyfriends to stay over night.
Well because my Sister has been a very liberal and easy going Mother, she decided that she was old enough to be trusted.
Big mistake, as now her Daughter has just announced she is pregnant. I am fully aware they could have had sex anywhere Sister made it that much more easier.
Obviously hindsight is a wonderful thing but, now my Sister finds herself in a nightmare scenario, and her Daughter also.
My opinion is that why is it such a big deal to have to give in to your kids, on a morals issue? Too many parents want to be their kids mate instead of what they should be first.....a parent.
So no I do not think it is right for a child to have their boyfriend or girlfriend to stay overnight, and certainly no way to share a room. Just asking for problems.
no way do my kids have boyfriends staying over lol
I can understand as the idea of your Children having Sex in the same House isn't nice.
Yet when I was 26 the Parents of a Young Lady that I was going out with told me...
"Well, it's better you do it in here than some back-alley or in her Car".
In the end Sex is part of being in a relationship.
My rule if I ever had Children would be the person they bring home needs to have some quality about them in terms of class, morals & manners.
Am not having just one-night stands in my House.
The funny thing is the Children will have to learn how to have Sex without making any noise... :shock:
In my example my then Girlfriend's Bedroom was in the other section of a massive House. Her Parents never had any reason to come near.. luckly me.
My son is 21 - legally and 'morally' an adult. If he wanted a regular g/f to stay over - no problem. What grounds would I have to object? I'm certainly not going to tell him to wait til he is married - how daft would that be coming from me? And he would know it - and say it (quite rightly). I would see it as hypocrisy on my part. Sex with girlfriend is either ok or it isn't - the location is irrelevant.
Mind you, he is over 6 foot tall and in a single bed, so she would have to be very slim or prefer sleeping on the floor. Maybe he would tidy his room for once.
So, I would be fine with it - but that doesn't say anyone elses decisions are wrong. Each household to their own. :thumbup:
Thank you for all your comments.
I think my main thing now really, is not the sex issue, as they have the others houses to do it in!
Its probably the fact that I like my house to be my own within certain hours, and dont want to have to restrict myself if they are in the house on a night time.
Having to always put clothes on to pop downstairs for a cuppa, or to run to the bathroom, not really what I want!
Im a firm believer in the "rather my house than a back alley argument".
Two of the things I have picked up over the years are:
Some human beings like sex. ( As evidenced by this site)
Prohibition makes any problems associated with an activity worse. ( As evidenced by the prohibition of alcohol and recreational drugs.)
Based on these facts prohibiting my sons sexual activity in our home seems futile.
Far better to ensure he is educated in treating other people with respect and has an understanding of the consequences of his actions.
In essence I would rather he learnt how to make love, with somebody he cares about who cares about him, in a secure comfortable environment with access to contraception than fuck anything he can get his hands on in a back alley.
I have to agree with both Foxy and Ben on this one.
My daughter being under 18, for me at the minute the answer would be no. They don't need to sleep over, I'd rather pay for a taxi to get the lad home safely than have him sleep over. That's just because of my daughter's inability at the minute to respect my decisions and rules. If and when she changes her attitude then so will I.
It all depends on the child, your household (ie., whether you like company staying over or not) and your circumstances. For me, it's not about whether they'd sneak a session in, it's about trust, and there's none of that right now.
when i replied i was considering my daughter to be under the legal age of consent.
now if i had a son and i thought it better to let him have sex at home than fuck what ever he can get his hands n in a back ally id be concerned about the values id raised him with.
if they are under the legal age i would not allow them to be having sex, just as i wouldnt say "oh you'r doing drugs" "well love do it in your bedroom with friends rather than in the back ally."
if both parties were under the legal age there is no way i would allow my home to be the venue to encourage .
xx fem xx
My eldest child is only 16 and as far as I know has not even begun dating yet. He has to share a room with his 14-year old brother so although technically old enough, I wouldn't let him spend the night with a girl-or even boy-friend all the time he has to share a room.
I was never allowed to stay over at a boyfriend's house and would never have dared ask my dad if any could stay with me (I also shared a bedroom). Even now if we stay in anyone else's house, swingers excepted, we don't usually have sex while we're there.
If any of my kids were to become involved in a long-term relationship with anyone, and we had room, I think I would allow them to share a bed occasionally.
i have allowed all my children to have their boy/girl friends stay over, they have only ever bought their long term boy/girl friends back for the night tho altho other friends often stayed too (not at the same time lol)
i would rather them be having sex in a house than a dark alley !!
What a surprising thread. For a website supposedly extolling the virtues of NSA sex it is surprising how protective we can be of our children (even when they are no longer children!).
Although I would agree that young children (ie <16) should be protected from themselves, as many are too immature to make lifetime choices, I believe that when they are older they need to decide for themselves what is right for them.
For instance, an 18 year old is going to have sex anyway if that is what they want to do so to pretend it doesn't happen whilst under your roof is self-deluding. More important, is to foster a culture where neither partner feels obliged to do anything that they are not comfortable with, or ready for.
Mutual respect is the key and if both partners feel ready to take the relationship to a physical stage, I, personally, would respect their right to do so. Surely it is better in a stable family setting that a quick fumble in the bushes with a one night stand!