What's your most enduring memory of your life so far???? Good or bad ....?????
The one thing that sticks out in your mind..... ??????
The one thing that either makes you smile...... or brings a lump to your throat as you struggle with your emotions??????????
equi-princess xxx
Seeing my father stab my mom when I was 4 and the police taking us away.
it fucked with my head for far too many years, but that memory gives me the drive I have today.
Everything happens for a reason.
My happiest and enduring memory by far is the day my daughter was born, nearly five years ago now :shock: this is the greatest love and loving bond i have ever felt.
Due to a extremely stressful and difficult pregnancy, and against all odds and doctors predictions. I now have a beautiful daughter, this will always be my proudest and most treasured memory. :happy: :happy:
H,red xxx
Being involved in a major disaster nearly 20 years ago. It totaly changed my outlook on life
A girl chasing me around the locker room for five or ten minutes trying to give me a peck on the cheek when I was thirteen, while I tried to ward her off with, uh, a bunch of keys.
I was a strange child.
well i had some good news yesterday that will always be a lovely memory my best mate came round and told me she's pregnant!!!! ( they are a great couple) really brought a tear to my eye!!!!
as this is her second, im really looking forward to going round to see her and having my hand stuck to her belly all night!!!!!!!!!!
babies dont they just make you really bloody broody!!!!!
My worst memory........ happened to me as a child... i was about 5 yrs old... we were living abroad and i was playing on the beach...near the waters' edge... a speedboat created a large wave or wash and it swept me out to sea... i was lucky.... my father was quick enough to save me by swimming out to me.... although i was told later that it was a very close run thing...
I still can't swim in water out of my depth... and will not go into the water if there are boats about....
equi-princess xxx
visiting my mate in hospital to see him hooked up to about £1/2 million of kit to keep him alive, and it not working. in a strange way his death became a good thing for me, made me a beter person and pretty much changed my entire view of the world and what i wanted from it.
well its has 2 be like most the birth of my kids, but my 3rd child stands out the most, i was rushed in 4 a emergency section cause they had lost the heard beat and i was told b4 hand not to expect the child to servive, i remember them pulling her out and running off with her, seemed to takes ages while i was layed there wide awake with my stomach wide open and them cleaning me out i was in tears, then i heard her cry and shes never shut up since lol was the best thing i had ever heard, they told me to expect her 2 be brain damaged because of the amount of time her brain was starved of oxygen but shes a perfectly healthy 4 years old now, so everything turned out ok but i do realise how lucky i am to have her and for her 2 be in perfect health.
Not putting my worse memory down cause some things are to personal to share on a open forum.
being in docklands when the bomb went off
My most enduring memory is of he guy that me. Some other guys were't happy with this situation and decided to sort him out in front of me. Warm cock and testis in hand are not a pretty site or to feel. :scared:
Maybe that is why I live for each and everyday :therethere: