At the time of writing this there are 1,114,305 members registered on SH. Before you jump in, I know not all of them are currently active, but they must have been at some point in time.
Out of idle curiosity I was wondering which forum members are lucky enough to live in the most swinger populated area. To find out:
- Go to My Search;
- Select "Only show members within: 3 miles";
- Make sure the first part of your postcode is in the box underneath;
- See what the total number of matches (top left of the screen) changes to.
Mine is 2,356 which seems a fair number for a 3 mile radius, especially as I live near the sea so it's a safe bet there aren't many south of me!! ;-)
Now I just need to wink them all! :lol2:
So what's your number? Do you think it's a true reflection of the amount of activity in your area? Do you live in a remote area or a city centre?