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Your views on Fetish / Swinging Clubs?

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Warming the Bed
HI my partner and i have just embarked onto the fetish scene. To our disappointment though there is a bigger percentage of old men and people you really wouldn't look twice at. I am 20 years old, my partner is 30, he used to be a stripper and i model.
We enjoy the scene but are craving a scene where its very strict entry. I know some of you people who fit into the catorgry i am bitching about will moan at me for this but.......i feel there is a need.
We have a business that does club promotion and are seriously thinking of launching our own night. This will be a very exlusive fetish night, and women and men alike above that certain age will simply not be allowed in, also the single men that just go and watch (you know the ones...... you serious think you'll be shot in the eye from them at any second whilst they watch) these men will be non existant in the place.
This night would be launched in london and then if successfull (as i believe it will be) in other big cities.
If you are some one who would be interested in a younger better looking class of people orientated fetish night please email me punky_ or add me to your msn .
Lets bring fetish up to a better standard!!
just a general thought here.
what is this certain age?
does it apply equally to males and females?
I get the impression that a large perceatage of people in this cafe are probably in their 30s and 40s
do you believe that people stop playing after a certain age
or are you merely suggesting that they ought to give up.
As far as I am concerned , age is irrelevant attitude is far more important
old enough to have fathered some cafe members but happy enough to be their new friend!!!
Sex God
As a regular club goer, I hate the idea of strict entry based on looks or age. In my experience, which is of several clubs over several years, the swinging scene is NOT primarily comprising older men, there is an ever-increasing diversity arriiving at clubs, including younger men and younger couples. Actually, I find the older male swingers the better ones, they know the score. Any club that limits attendence by looks or age is missing a lot, and in my view is doing the swinging scene a bad service by its patronising and shallow attitude. Before you accuse me of being an old man with vested interests, I am actually a 32 year old female (who is not that bad looking cool wink ) - maybe even I am too old to be admitted to your club??? :shock:
I have only dabbled with the fetish scene, I prefer the more traditional swinging clubs, but I would say the same for fetish clubs too. Obvioulsy, fetish clubs need to be more careful about admittance in order to only allow true fetishists in.... but this should not be based on how old the person is, or whether they would be suitable to pose for a glam-mag.
I dare say some folks will think this type of thing is a good idea, but I don't, I'm not that shallow.
While respecting the coments that started this string, I would point out to the authors that the established scene you seem to want to experience just isn't how you wish.
By all means set up your own fetish night. And if you make entry rules about age and beauty, then you're in for an empty club or pretty close to it. not to mention the gales of laughter when you tell folk.
The best known clubs are full of real people of all sizes, shapes, kinks and passions. Character, personality, commitment and, to a great extent, experience are what make a good fetish night. Not self esteem on the part of the organisers.
So here's three cheers for diversity.
The Kent Host (time-served fetish hound on three continents - 50plus years of age and having more, better and weirder fun every year)
Sex God
Have a look around the link below and see what you find.
OK - now is it me (c Terry Wogan) - or is this an insult to those of us 'Over a certain age' (whatever that age is)?
And who says 'Younger' means a better standard?
By all means have your nights and restrict the entry to whoever you wish. If it's your show - that is you choice. But don't go implying by keeping it young you get a better 'class', that is so shallow an attitude.
Class is ageless and also has nothing to do with looks. The inner person is what makes someone, not the outer shell and let's face it - some people are only a shell - no matter how decorative.
(I had said I was going to avoid contraversy, but I found this thread quite an insult to many people.)
I am sure a friendly mod would also like it confirmed that this promotion night you are 'advertising' would entail no charge.
Go Alex my thoughts entirely
as a mature person I too felt somewhat demeaned
I may not be as fast as I was but I ain't had no complaints
Warming the Bed
It seems i posted this in the wrong forum, it stand to reason that people in their twenties do not want to be surrounded by people who could easily be their parents or grandparents with everything to show.
Thereby you would form a club night with the young people who are put of by the fact that fetish clubs on the whole are full of mingers!
Sex God
Punky, I am not old enough to be your parent let along your grandparent. I find your attitude offensive, rude and childish. I was swinging in my 20s and never had a problem with older people. Please be polite or I will de-activate your username ASAP.
Blue now has her mod's hat firmly ON!
oooooh I am in lust with a pink blue or is it a blue pink esp in mod dom mode
What is wrong with guys M or F being old enough to be parents, if you aint tasted then you ain't got a clue re experience
Do not dismiss out of hand experience is worth so much, you cast out at your peril.
Look at the many on here that value and enjoy experience.
It may not work for all but there are those that enjoy experience, and perhaps a more laid back attitude
and be careful most I think mods are of the more mature group, alienate them at your cost
Blue is a sweetie, wait till Jags gets on your ageist case!
best wishes
older and wiser and slower, but no complaints
There is one thing - by Punky's reckoning SHE is going to be a minger in about a decade.
So perhaps there is justice in this world
All the world is full of yesterdays models and todays mingers....
In a world where the 'look' is where it is at, I feel sorry for the upbeat incrowd, where having NOT got the best designer gear or being cool is a disadvantage. I think we should have islands so the carbuncles on the arse of humanity can all go there and appreciate each other and like peter pan NEVER grow old because when you get to 25ish, you have to die aka bladerunner, because you are spent...
Hear hear, Rocky.
Hugs, Alex x x
(Old Minger and proud of it)
:bounce: CONGRATULATIONS :bounce:
Well done punky blink
You have possibly broken some kind of record here dunno
e.g. managing to seriously upset a large percentage of people in a very short space of time !! :doh:
Unfortunately people in their twenties have not got a clue what the hell they are talking about at the best of times !!
You have just managed to illustrate this beautifully, thank you rolleyes
Cheers Dan wink
P.S. I knew this would happen, let the children alone for the night and they think they are all grown up and stuff :dunno:
Hiya Alex
Luv your new Avatar :lickface:
Dan xxxxxxx wink
Dont get me wrong I am NOT upset. I just think it is a sign of youth that shows up the lack of thoughts of being one of lifes ex beautiful people? Imagine if you awoke one day to find you had allopechea ( if spelt wrong sorry ) ,and all your hair fell out, or that you somehow sufferd some accident where you got scarred or disfigured...would you then go and kill yourself because you were NOT desireable? It is FINE to have a liking for your own self and wishes, but remember what Alex said, sometime in your life, you will suddenly realise you are no longer being drooled over and cavorted...what then do you do? Inside NEVER grows ols, and althought the outside shell AMY look like a morris minor, the engine is well in order and has years of life...
Just be concious that you are not one to one here, and what seems to you to be hip, trendy and the in thing to some can be seen as offensive? Maybe you shouldl think next time and not be like the alligator... Big mouth and little ears?
Warming the Bed
Clearly Punky has just popped in to ruffle a few feathers although I doubt we will see a picture of these beautiful people anywhere near this thread...................would be nice to see what the 'mingers' are up against cool
Well punky
Haven't U ever heard Marylin Mansons' "The Beautiful People". Would you bar disabled peolpe too? Never mind us able bodied swingers. Just goes to show how fekkin shallow U R. Up yours! :moon:
Sex God
well punky.... that is a very bold statement you are making for someone who has only made 2 posts? been into the scene for a while....
regarding your statement about age... how would you feel in about 20 yrs time is someone said you weren't "young enough" or "beautiful enough" for their club??? and before you slate me i am an almost 30 yr old bloke....
if you don't want to go with someone who is a lot older then you... then don't.. your decision and fine BUT someone may decide not to go with you guys for exactly the same reason....swinigng is like life we are all attracted to different people.. and just because you are beautiful on the outside doesn't mean you are beautiful on the inside, and when you learn that lesson maybe you will broaden those horizons....
right.... off my soap box now!!! lol biggrin :D :D :D
sean xxxxxx
I must admit I didn't know quite what to make of this - maybe it was just a windup - can someone really be that conceited?
As for Richard and I - we're still just in our 20s - 29 this year - and first went swinging at a party at age 26. I mentioned this in another post, we were the only people there under 30.
The thing is, swinging takes maturity and confidence in yourself and your relationships that younger people rarely have.
I know plenty of young guys who would love to shag me, but when it comes to Richard shagging their "birds" it makes them think again.
"Older" people are more mature.
And it must be said, more experienced.
A young guy of 25 maybe living wth someone for the first time, balanced against a man of 35 or 40 who has had plenty of experience - years of experience and practice - with his partner and various lovers, who REALLY knows what he's doing, I'll take the "mature" option every time.
In fact my first time at a swing party I was taken very directly, and gently, by a man in his early forties, an experienced swinger and it was a great introduction. A "Boy" of my own age, slobberng and over-keen would have been the opposite of what I wanted and needed.
Of course he enjoyd having a supple, pretty young girl to do it with, and most of the guys we swing with are open enough to admit that, but I could appreciate an older guy who knows what he's doing as well.
To be honest, if Punky and friend are really as good looking as they think, and really are models/dancers/strippers, they wouldn't have any problem finding willing good looking people on the scene they already frequent.
The fact that they are here indicates otherwise.
Of course, it's always good to give people the benefit of the doubt, so maybe a pic on their profile or a reason why not would clear up any doubt either way.
Quote by Punky
It seems i posted this in the wrong forum, it stand to reason that people in their twenties do not want to be surrounded by people who could easily be their parents or grandparents with everything to show.

I must admit, I would be discomfitted if the people with all their bits on show actually were my grandparents. Otherwise... well, I'm 27 and I can't see anything wrong with it. It's not as though people get uglier as they get older, they just get beautiful in different ways.
Quote by Punky
It seems i posted this in the wrong forum, it stand to reason that people in their twenties do not want to be surrounded by people who could easily be their parents or grandparents with everything to show.
Thereby you would form a club night with the young people who are put of by the fact that fetish clubs on the whole are full of mingers!

how wrong you are!
i am 24.. and play with people in their 40s!!
i am not interested in people my own age.... and i assure you, i am not in the minority thinking this way.
you also state that you will not allow people who are not attractive to go to "your" night... can i ask who is going to be the judge of how attractive someone is?
if it is going to be yourself..... i hope to god that you are a better judge of attractiveness than you are of what people want.... or u are gonna have a VERY empty club!!!!!
Quote by Dan Solo
:Unfortunately people in their twenties have not got a clue what the hell they are talking about at the best of times !!
You have just managed to illustrate this beautifully, thank you rolleyes

confused :shock: :cry:
have a "physical attraction report" feature; they basically show you a bunch of photos and facial features, asks you to choose which ones you prefer (okay, it's a bit more involved than that), and then the computer tells you what kind of person you'd find most attractive.
IIRC, mine told me to look for a 6ft black woman...
According to , I am a good physical match for myself.
No, really! :doh:
Sex God
The Fetish scene in this country, or at least in London, has largely been spoiled by people with Punky's attitude. A true Fetishist abides by the mantra "Live and Let Live". You are compelled to play with no one present if you so desire...
I know of a Dom/sub couple in their late 70s. They hide their St Andrews cross under the bed when the grand kids come round. When they go clubbing, the love they have for each other shows and puts most 20 something clothes horses to shame.
Have fun with your Fetish night, Punky... I'm sure it will be well attended. rolleyes
the funny thing is.... punky has as her sig "every holes a goal", maybe there should be a prefix attatched to this saying.. unless it is over 30 years and belonging to anyone but an ex model or ex stripper! rolleyes
All this "younger better looking class of people"...apart from all the other objections here in this thread (I agree with them all) , how typically English this is, dividing everyone and everything up into classes.
Quote by Pleasurelady
A great example of this is often found in the chat room when some ignorant unformed young person pm's one and says "hi hunny, hung like a donkey wanna f**k?"

Haven't we all had this?
"I'm 10 inches and really know how to use it"
which means that they haven't and they don't.
A guy with a 10-incher - all he would have to do would put that on his ad with a pic and he'd have the ladies PM-ing him!
You can always tell the ones on PMs who are inexperienced or don't have much to offer coz they keep trying to "sell" themselves to you, keep re-pm-ing (is that a word?).
Desperation is not attractive.
We only joined this site at the w/e but I'm enjoying it and am going to say.
Apart from the usual flood of PMs from single guys (and we haven't even got our ad up yet), there've been some genuine people contact us with info, and been some great threads to get involved with.
Warming the Bed
Well i don't think i have ever pissed off so many people in one swoop. And if this wasn't an on going issue why is it that we now have the night called fantaysia which is aimed at a more glamorous croud????
Anyway with regards to my age I think you are all as shallow as me, you are saying i assume over a certain age you are ugly, but you are assuming that at the age of 20 i am not adult enough to be on the swinging scene or have a clue?? Words like pot kettle and black come to mind. You don't know enough about me to judge whether or not i am mature enough for this scene. And i wouldn't say i am shallow just some of us have standards. And i was simply saying it would be nice to have a club night where there were the kinds of people you may look twice at in the street. Not the type you know was the weird kid at school everyone thought was a bit odd.
And with regards to ending my profile name...what for expressing an opinion that the moderator doesn't like...?? What happened to democracy we are all entitled to opinions i happened to have voiced mine. I am not saying what i am to cause trouble i was mearly trying to establish how many people on this sight would be interested in a new night, many thanks i believe i have my answer!!

:!: :idea: rolleyes
Quote by Punky
Well i don't think i have ever pissed off so many people in one swoop. And if this wasn't an on going issue why is it that we now have the night called fantaysia which is aimed at a more glamorous croud????
Anyway with regards to my age I think you are all as shallow as me, you are saying i assume over a certain age you are ugly, but you are assuming that at the age of 20 i am not adult enough to be on the swinging scene or have a clue?? Words like pot kettle and black come to mind. You don't know enough about me to judge whether or not i am mature enough for this scene. And i wouldn't say i am shallow just some of us have standards. And i was simply saying it would be nice to have a club night where there were the kinds of people you may look twice at in the street. Not the type you know was the weird kid at school everyone thought was a bit odd.
And with regards to ending my profile name...what for expressing an opinion that the moderator doesn't like...?? What happened to democracy we are all entitled to opinions i happened to have voiced mine. I am not saying what i am to cause trouble i was mearly trying to establish how many people on this sight would be interested in a new night, many thanks i believe i have my answer!!
:!: :idea: rolleyes

i think you have hit the nail on the head here with that comment.
we ARE all entitled to our own opinions, that is the reason why we object to YOU telling us what is or is not attractive!!!!!!!!!
and before you start about people looking down on your views simply because of your age.. i am only a few years older than you... and a lot younger than your boyfriend.. yet i STILL think you are talking a load of crap!
have fun