sadly, i have bad news to report, and my ghast has been well and truly flabbered!

let me explain, with a few examples . . .
example number one . . . on the content of posts.
a certain southern gentleman has hitherto led me to believe that Hertfordshire is a magical, twilight land of unicorns, pixies, and strawberry cordial streams, and i have for many months past longed to wander along these babbling brooks, through it's leafy glades, and with the aid of a virgin, lure one of these majestic horny creatures to me. the difficulty in actually finding a virgin did not put me off in the least.
well . . . this very weekend i found myself in herts, and d'you know what i found? the M frigging 25, a load of roadworks, and lots of low flying aircraft roaring overhead. didn't seem all THAT magical to me i must say, so i'm forced to conclude, that mr davej was talking out of his bleedin' arse! :x
example number 2 . . . on the subject of usernames.
while lots of us are as honest as the day is long, and go to great lengths to ensure that our usernames are both accurate AND descriptive, it seems many are less scrupulous. if we take, say, my name, or dawn_mids, eagerslut, easy etc etc etc, we KNOW that dawn really is from mids, eagerslut really is an eager slut, and easy is, well, easy! simple.
but what happens when you look at the likes of KcCat, Warwick, little gem, KitKat, and the like. well i can tell you now, KcKat is not a bleedin' cat at all, she's a girlie! little gem hasn't been prised from the bowels of the earth and lovingly polished till she sparkles, Warwick is neither a major conurbation, nor a mediaeval castle or three, and KitKat is not a four fingered snack. :x i'm not too sure if The_Laird and Lady Feebee are royalty at all, and as for VenusnMars, imagine my surprise to find that they are not in fact a pair of large celestial bodies orbiting the sun! i was quite disappointed. always wanted to try that astronauting malarkey. :(
example number 3 . . . on the subject of avatars.
again, looking at certain avatars, it's easy to conclude that, for instance, i have a big nose, Jas has a thing for thigh high boots and miniskirts, Kit looks rather sexy indeed in a purple basque, etc etc etc.
but . . . . does Easy look exactly like a cross between James Bond and Superman? is Warwick really a bag of marbles? ((( which is totally inconsistent with his claim to be a town / castle anyways, but we'll let that pass. ))) is Bluexxx really a multi-coloured fluffy dog with big floppy ears? is MissChief really an indian squaw, etc etc well i think not! in fact, none of 'em are anything like! :x
in short we have all been cruelly misled, and i for one demand that something be done about it. :x i'm not sure what yet, but definitely SOMETHING should be. i throw this open to you, my fellow members, in the hope that such dastardly devious deceit be stamped out forever!