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yr first meet in one word

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if u could use one word only to sum up yr first meet what would it be?:
Quote by raider_6
if u could use one word only to sum up yr first meet what would it be?:
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
we like sheep in derby lol
lol steph biggrin
Quote by raider_6
we like sheep in derby lol
now all the farmers have sheepless nights lol
now all the farmers have sheepless nights :lol
yeah but the sheep have big smiles lol
Quote by raider_6
if u could use one word only to sum up yr first meet what would it be?:

I remember going to visit a certain female from this site for the first time and the word that springs to mind is...
Shock!!! :shock:
or at least it was when I found out we'd been caught on CCTV redface
good shock or bad?
OMG i would have died lol whos cctv was it?
Quote by raider_6
OMG i would have died lol whos cctv was it?

It belonged to a pub. We were "alone" in the garden area - or so we thought
any chance of a copy lol
lol u been in the pub after that night
Quote by raider_6
any chance of a copy lol

I think the evidence has been destroyed - or at least I hope it has!!!!
Quote by raider_6
lol u been in the pub after that night

I haven't, but the other person concerned has - that's when she found out about it innocent
god i wouldnt have know where to put my face lol x that is a great story hun thanx xx
cant do it in one word so
my god how old was that photo!!!!
Quote by lovejoy68
cant do it in one word so
my god how old was that photo!!!!

I suppose I should consider myself lucky then wink
pmpl lovejoy that bad was it
I had been on the site for less than 2 hours and it was arranged :twisted:
just how i like my coffee lol
Quote by raider_6
just how i like my coffee lol

I hate coffee confused
well if u hate coffe i can make a great cup of tea lol
Quote by raider_6
well if u hate coffe i can make a great cup of tea lol

I don't drink tea either rolleyes
just put ya silky undies on and offer me tap water - I'll give the tap water a miss though :twisted:
grabs his silky thong and hold ups and runs the tap lol