nothing can get rid of it.. though i have heard sometimes taking axtra vit c might speed up recovery????????
best thing to do is stay in bed.. and milk it with steve for all he is worth!!!! lol
I don't think there is much worse for kicking the shit outta feeling good than a summer cold especially wen the weather is so good!!!
Make use of your othe half and get some "vicks" rubbed in!!! that'll perk something up at least... :twisted:
Brandy, honey and lemon shot!!! best treatment!!
30 of them and you forget your name let alone if you got a cold or not!!!
Feel better soon!!
Oh Dear :therethere:
I hope you feel better soon, it's no fun being poorly.
BIIG HUGS Claire. Know how you feel. i 'm in the same boat as hope your op went ok get better soon honey.
Hope your feeling better by now Claire.
Here's a hug :therethere: (from a TSG)
Just count yourself lucky that you're not a bloke. Remember, we don't get colds we only get deathbed flu ! ! ! ! ! ! !