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Yup, and me too.....

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2 watchers
Master of Sex
Well blimey this leaving for a while thing is contagious.....
As Corrie said we're going our separate ways, and this makes me sadder than you can believe. I haven't been on here for a few days as like Corrie, I too have decided I need to take some time out and sort out some issues I have in my life. I hope to be back one day soon, as I've made a bunch of really good friends during my time here......
I must apologise to Clare and Steve for cancelling from the munch at such short notice. Mixing a pissed off me with large quantities of alcohol can be a particularly bad idea, so given the circumstances, it was best I stayed at home.
Besides, while you lot were all getting ready for a night of debauchery, I was holding my new baby nephew for the first time, which really put a whole bunch of stuff into perspective for me.
So take care, all you horny people, and I hope to see you all again one day soon....
Oh Nooooooooo
Not another one!
This must be the biggest exodus we've had.
Take care of yourselft though!
Pop back in and say hi sometimes!
Good luck and happiness in everything you do!
Alex x x x
Sex God
Like I've said to the others who are going for a while.
You cannot go yet, I've not met you.
Good luck
sorry to hear you,re leaving us , it was nice meeting you at the northwest munch smile but on behalf of baz and myself good luck in your future decisions wave :thumbup:
Lucifer hun im sorry to hear your going for a while,just take care of yourself kiss
So sad to see people leaving Ive only been here?? 8 weeks or less sad
Although its good the numbers are growing too but still........ rolleyes
Take care, hurry back biggrin
o lucifer im so sorry to see you going
please come back soon
were gonna miss you
:shock: guess ill have to bounce on me mattress alone now wink
sad :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
dunno what to say lucifer! yet another of the genuinely nice guys leaving us. you take care mate, get sorted out, and i genuinely hope you're back soon. don't have to tell you how well respected you are here do i, and how much you'll be missed.
take it easy mate.
neil x x x
Will miss ya loads, Luci_the_Tart. I guess you just have to do what's best for you. Take good care of yourself and don't stay away too long! kiss
I wonder if I pretend I'm leaving so i can get loads of lovely PM's ...... hmmmmm!!
Sex God
Oh Lucifeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Just make sure you do bluddy come back ok!!!!! Another one of the genuine, no nonsense, honest guys who's gonna be very missed sad
Good luck with sorting things out, and you know there will still be a huge bunch of nutters here for you when the time comes!
you are more than aware of what i think.. so cant think of anything else to put here.
kisses to you anyway
x x
Never had the chance to get to know you but it is obvious that you will be missed, take care and when you come back bring the others with you. sad
Aww Lucifer hun,
You will be missed more than you will ever know but good luck and all the best for the future hun and as lots of other people have already said we are here if you need us.
Sorry to hear you are going Lucifer! But I feel you will be back 'cause it's like the hotel California can never leave! But good idea to take some time out and do some navel gazing, eh!
Wishing you all the best!
Master of Sex
OMFG this came out wrong....
Quote by Lucifer
Mixing a pissed off me with large quantities of alcohol .....

I'm not pissed off with Corrie, I'm just very pre-occupied and tense about some of the issues I'm facing... I'm pleased I can call her one of my friends.
And yes, we'll be keeping in touch.... passionkiss
Hi Lucifer,
I'm afraid we don't know each other, although it would have been good to know someone fairly local to me on here. Maybe we will get the chance to meet in the future.
Good luck!
surprised :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
How many times can my jaw drop tonight???????????????
Another one leaving the building. Hope to see you posting again soon m8
You will be missed babe
I know why your taking a break and can understand why
There for you if you need to talk my friend, as you were there for me when i needed my mate kiss
keep in touch as you promised
Vicky xxx